[Tlhingan-hol] A vague example at last from Monopoly

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Wed Apr 4 15:02:31 PDT 2012

There's two more examples in paq'batlh:

QIStaq qoD DISDaq
tu''egh qeylIS'e'
DIS veghlu'chugh
pa' Heghpu'bogh nuvpu' qa'pu' tu'lu'

In the heart of Kri'stak,
Kahless finds himself in a cave
Leading to
The world beyond the living

lojmItDaj veghta'DI' jubbe'wI'
yInqa'meH chegh 'e' botnIS qotar
qeylIS HoHmeH qotar qeylIS SamnIS

Still, Kotar cannot let a mortal
Pass his gates and return alive,
Kahless must be hunted down and killed.

On a related note, paq'batlh also contains a use of juS ("overtake, pass"):

ghIq SIqralDaq
molor HoS waw' lupawmeH
bIQtIq HeH juS SuvwI' ghom

The band of warriors then went
Past the shore to the river Skral,
To Molor's seat of power.

> Or perhaps the Klingons – or their version of the Universal
> Translator! - simply translated the Federation Standard name
> literally, recognizing that “dominion” is an actual word.

Indeed; I'd personally love to have a more distinct word for the Dominion, since it'd make it a bit easier to talk about, but it does make some sense that they'd do it that way if their first introduction to the Dominion was from eavesdropping on Federation subspace chatter.

What bothers me slightly is that at the time of KGT, which was published at around the time of DS9's sixth season premier, {ngup} was only used as a slang term for authorities; it really means "cape". As such, calling such an important body {ngup'a'} seems a bit inappropriate...

...unless, of course, the Founder/Vorta/whatever name for the Dominion really means "the great cape"; a poetic metaphor for a large, unbroken area, in which any hole can be patched, but which will fall to the ground and crinkle if separated from the collar (representing the Founders).
This is, of course, terribly far-fetched speculation, but I rather like it :P

From: Steven Boozer [sboozer at uchicago.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 22:50
To: tlhingan-hol at stodi.digitalkingdom.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] A vague example at last from Monopoly

Or perhaps the Klingons – or their version of the Universal Translator! - simply translated the Federation Standard name literally, recognizing that “dominion” is an actual word.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

From: lojmIt tI'wI'nuv [mailto:lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com]

The thing that bothers me about definitions like "Dominion" is that we're doing in Klingon the same thing we're doing in English. Likely, The Dominion doesn't call itself "The Dominion". It's a proper name we made up, based on a common noun that describes the thing we've named.

So, when we put in definitions like this, we really need to recognize that {ngup'a'} has two meanings. One is the proper noun and the other is the common noun. It's like {matlh}. It's the verb "be loyal" and it's the proper name Maltz.

... or maybe Klingon doesn't have a proper name for The Dominion. They are just one of many "major authorities" and when we translate to English, which DOES have a proper noun for this group, we translate it as "The Dominion".

On Apr 4, 2012, at 3:26 PM, Steven Boozer wrote:

I've photographed all the cards and put them online. You should be able to access them at this link:

Another new word I noticed (has it been mentioned here before?) is {ngup'a'} "Dominion":

   ngup'a' Duj Dajon.
   Commandeer Dominion vessel. MKE
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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