[Tlhingan-hol] A vague example at last from Monopoly

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Apr 5 06:55:42 PDT 2012

Thanks for these.

{jubbe'wI'} "mortal (person)" is also the first use of {jub} "be immortal"/{jubbe'} "be mortal".  It's also AFAIK the first canonical example of {VERB+be'wI'} although we've used this pattern for years on the List.

As for {molor HoS waw'} "Molor's seat of power"...  In SkyBox card S27 we see {tlhIngan qum waw'} "the center of the Klingon government".  However Monopoly has {pIraqSIS HoS waw'} "Praxis Energy Facility".  Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis.  From seat of (political) power to a power plant!

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

From: Felix Malmenbeck [mailto:felixm at kth.se]

There's two more examples [of {vegh}] in paq'batlh:

QIStaq qoD DISDaq
tu''egh qeylIS'e'
DIS veghlu'chugh
pa' Heghpu'bogh nuvpu' qa'pu' tu'lu'

In the heart of Kri'stak,
Kahless finds himself in a cave
Leading to
The world beyond the living

lojmItDaj veghta'DI' jubbe'wI'
yInqa'meH chegh 'e' botnIS qotar
qeylIS HoHmeH qotar qeylIS SamnIS

Still, Kotar cannot let a mortal
Pass his gates and return alive,
Kahless must be hunted down and killed.

On a related note, paq'batlh also contains a use of juS ("overtake, pass"):

ghIq SIqralDaq
molor HoS waw' lupawmeH
bIQtIq HeH juS SuvwI' ghom

The band of warriors then went
Past the shore to the river Skral,
To Molor's seat of power.

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