[Tlhingan-hol] Interactions between verb suffixes

qov at kli.org qov at kli.org
Wed Jan 6 00:52:00 PST 2016

> {vImejmoHmeH jIHqang} reads to me like "In order to make him leave, I am
> willing to be (to exist)". Well, it's Star Trek, so maybe Q or some kind
> hyperdimensional superbeing is saying this, but an ordinary person
[Robyn Stewart] 

I skim English-language messages for Klingon sentences, so hit this one with
no context whatsoever. My first understanding of it was that someone was
trying to say <vImejqangmoHmeH jIH> = "In order for *me* to be willing to
make her leave" but had added the -qang as an afterthought and accidentally
put it on the wrong word. I needed context to understand that it was
supposed to be a complete sentence, with jIH acting as the main verb.  

I'm in perfect agreement that vImejmoHmeH jIH is an odd, Q-like statement
about the purpose of being. 

> {mejmeH vIraDqang} "I'm willing to make him leave"
> {vIraDmo' mejqangchoH} "I make him willing to leave"
> I had suggested to use {-'e'} to mark the party to whom the suffix applies
> (either the grammatical subject or the agent): *{ghaH'e'
> vImejqangmoH} "I make *him* willing to leave" vs. *{vImejqangmoH jIH'e'}
> "*I* am willing to make him leave". But {-'e'} is already overloaded with
> meaning. (For example, how would one then say "he, whom I am willing to
> make leave, ..."? That's arguably too convoluted for a Klingon sentence.)
[Robyn Stewart] 
Say the rest of the idea you want to express there, and it may be

> --
> De'vID
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