[Tlhingan-hol] Beginner's Holiday Card Challenge - Congratulations

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 02:54:30 PST 2016

mayql qunenoS:
> 2016 'oHtaHvIS Hoch Sara', DIS chu' yIghaj !
> I command you all while it is 2016, to have a perfect year !

While this is a pretty direct Klingon translation of the English
sentence's words, it makes use of Englishism which don't make sense
literally in Klingon.

In English, you can say "it is" 2016, but *what* is 2016? The English
word "it" is used to stand for all kinds of things, while in Klingon
{'oH} is just the third person non-language-capable-being pronoun.

Try {qaS} instead. ({qaStaHvIS 2016...})

I'm not sure if you're going for a pun or if it's a mistake, but
{chu'} means "new" and not perfect (you may be thinking of the verb
suffix {-chu'}).

Also, in English you can "have" all kinds of things, but in Klingon
{ghaj} denotes possession or ownership. What is the actual verb you
want here?

And finally, telling someone you're ordering them before giving them a
command is kind of strange. Just give the command.


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