[Tlhingan-hol] Certification Test Woes

d'Armond Speers, Ph.D. speersd at georgetown.edu
Mon Mar 31 19:39:49 PDT 2014

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Brad Wilson <bmacliam at aol.com> wrote:

>  Assigning questions randomly from a large test bank may ensure that over many tests, there is a balance of high & low-value questions, but it doesn't prevent any one test from being overly skewed, which isn't really fair to that particular student. Can the questions be "weighted" so that in choosing them, the test still retains a difficulty consistent with the objective?
That's similar to what I was saying before about measuring the content of
an expected answer and ensuring consistency.  Sounds easy in theory, but
not so much in practice.  (In theory, theory and practice are the same; in
practice, they're different.)  I also wonder if balancing the questions on
any given test by weight/content wouldn't interfere with the randomization,
making certain questions more or less likely to appear on a test.  I'm open
to suggestions on whether this is an issue that needs to be addressed, and
if so, what the right way to adjust things might be.  (I mean, for example,
if you would like to see questions weighted by content, then propose a
means for measuring the content of a question.)

> gheyIl
>  --Holtej
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