[Tlhingan-hol] pride and values

Gaerfindel gaerfindel at hotmail.com
Fri May 10 16:51:26 PDT 2013

On 5/10/2013 7:11 PM, André Müller wrote:
> I found a sentence in the paq'batlh that I think might either contain 
> a syntactical error, a new usage of a verb or simply a structure that 
> I cannot parse. It's on page 144-5, Canto 16, 2nd verse:
> tlhIngan wo' nur ghob je
> HoSmoH quvvam
> che'DI' molor nur ghob je pujchoHpu'
> With it, I restore pride and values
> Of the Klingon Empire, for under Molor,
> They have grown weak and faint.
> Actually {pujchoHpu'} means 'have become weak' and is intransitive, 
> but the things that got weak precede the verb. Might this be a mistake 
> and the intended reading shoud have been {che'DI' molor pujchoHpu' nur 
> ghob je}?
> Or could we now assume that {puj} is not only an intransitive verb 
> meaning 'be weak, be deluted', but also a transitive verb meaning 'to 
> weaken, to dilute' (note that we already have {pujmoH} with that meaning).
> Or could {nur ghob je} be analysed as some kind of apposition (is that 
> the right word?), literally "While Molor ruled, the pride and the 
> values -- they have become weak."?
> Or does that sentence have a different structure that I'm missing out.
> vuDraj vIlaD vIneH.
> - André
It seems to me that the line "grown weak and faint" is a colourful means 
of parsing {pujchoHpu'}, although your theory about {nur ghob je} being 
some kind of apposition does have merit in my mind.


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