[Tlhingan-hol] Operations Command (was Re: Klingon Word of the Day: pav)

De'vID jonpIn de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu May 31 12:59:16 PDT 2012

Philip Newton:
>>> Is this the source for the {yo'SeH yaHnIv} that's listed on
>>> http://www.kli.org/tlh/newwords.html ?
>>> It's listed there as:
>>>    (n) Operations Command [Apparently this is a proper noun.] [HolQeD v8n4p11]

>> According to my notes, {yo' SeHyaH nIvvo' potlh De' wIHevtaH} "we are
>> receiving a priority message from [Fleet] Operations Command" comes from
>> Okrand's ST5 notes published in HolQeD 8.4:12-13.
>> If someone has that issue available, s/he might want to verify it for us.

> The issue contains the following, actually on page 11. I will add the
> hyphens and settings exactly:
> -----------------------------------------
>                  Vixis
> Captain, we are receiving a priority
> message from Operations
> Command.
> HoD, yo'-SeH yaH-nIv-vo' potlh
> De' wI-Hev-taH

It looks like spaces are actually spaces, whereas dashes were added to
separate the elements in a word.  So, the sentence is actually: {HoD,
yo'SeH yaHnIvvo' potlh De' wIHevtaH}.  Assuming the sentence was
transcribed in the way MO intended, the new words are actually
?{yo'SeH} and ?{yaHnIv} (which is consistent with the KLI new words
list), and not ?{SeHyaH}.

{yo'SeH} and {yaHnIv} are both a little bit strange, in that the first
appears to be a noun-(action verb) compound, and the second appears to
be a noun-(adjectival-verb) compound.  But then we have precedents in
{yejHaD} and {yejquv}.  I suppose the safest thing to do is to treat
the entire thing as the KLI new words list does, and consider {yo'SeH
yaHnIv} as one unit meaning "Operations Command".

> BTW, later on page 12 we find {ngoq-De'}, which had been questioned here
> lately. It has the hyphen although it's on a split line like potlh
> De', which does not have a hyphen.

This suggests that {ngoqDe'} is considered one word.


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