[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh chorghmaH: QapmeH HIv

ghunchu'wI' 'utlh qunchuy at alcaco.net
Fri May 18 13:00:25 PDT 2012

On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Qov <robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
>> > yotlhDaq QamtaH ghom. bejchuq 'ej loSlI'. 'ej tagha' qo'
>> > HuvHa'choHmoH jol.
>> batlh bInID 'ach yabwIjDaq Qapchu'be' Delpu'ghachvam. He gheghDaq
>> lenglaw' qech. pagh chaq mu'tlhegh Qav pIw vIlarghrupbe' neH.
> DunuQbogh pIw DaDellaH'a'? vIchoH. DaH: {yuQ yIQ ngoSmoH jol} vIlo'. vImaS
> 'ach SenglIj vIngu'laHbe'mo' SoHvaD vIchovlaHbe'.

My command of Klingon does not extend to describing the style of a
phrase, or even to saying that a phrase has a style in the first
place. Here, the text just appears to be reaching a bit further into
abstractness than the rest of the piece is prepared to support. I'm
perfectly willing to accept that it's just my reading style and
personal taste that makes it an issue. Other metaphors in the story
have seemed perfectly appropriate, so I don't think it's merely a
desire on my part for straightforward descriptive portrayals of

>> (jIngongnIS. qaStaHvIS wa' pem vIttlhegh neH jatlhlaH'a' nuv?)
> qangIl.  In English you can go indefinitely just quoting lines from movies.

jIvemDI' jItaghmeH jIjatlh: "DaHjaj SuvwI' jIH."

>> > [269] The Year Games - a John M. Ford thing. Some kind of Klingon
>> > Olympics.
> It was the periodicity and excellence I was going for rather than the nature
> of the competition. Our Olympics do have wrestling and hockey, though.

Good point. I was stuck on things like gymnastics and track and
aquatic events and hadn't gotten around to considering the games that
involve defeating actual opponents.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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