[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon spoken in latest Big Bang Theory?

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed May 16 06:09:37 PDT 2012

De'vID jonpIn:
> Did anyone catch the last episode?  It's called "The Countdown
> Reflection" and Wolowitz goes to space.  At one point, Sheldon speaks
> Klingon.  He says part of a sentence before getting interrupted and is
> forced to continue in English.  Did anyone catch what he said?
> I think the first word was {DaH} but as soon as he said it other
> characters talked over him.  But he seems to have said more than just
> {DaH}.

I heard the first word as {DaHjaj}.  The closed captions were of no help, just something like "Speaks Klingon".  

I did notice a "translator" listed as the credits flashed by, but this could have referred to the Russian translations in the episode.  (Wolowitz is launched into space on a Russian rocket to the International Space Station and there was some dialogue with ground control in Kazakhstan.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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