[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon spoken in latest Big Bang Theory?

De'vID jonpIn de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed May 16 02:03:30 PDT 2012


Did anyone catch the last episode?  It's called "The Countdown
Reflection" and Wolowitz goes to space.  At one point, Sheldon speaks
Klingon.  He says part of a sentence before getting interrupted and is
forced to continue in English.  Did anyone catch what he said?

I think the first word was {DaH} but as soon as he said it other
characters talked over him.  But he seems to have said more than just

Also, if someone has recorded the episode, can they post the stuff he
said in English (and which was originally to be in Klingon)?  It might
be fun to back-translate it.


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