[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh chorghmaH jav: tIq yaj

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Thu May 10 21:50:57 PDT 2012

Note to future people: If you're searching for "nuq bop bom" in the 
archives, and failed to find yesterday's #185 it's because I 
accidentally gave it the subject line nuq bob bom and didn't want to 
spam the list with a correction. And whether or not you are from the 
far future, if you're searching for nuq bop bom in the archives you'd 
be better off reading it at http://nuqbopbom.blogspot.com unless at 
this point in the future blogging is over.
Last 'ay':
When Essim had told Mahoun of her father's dishonour she was unable 
to interpret his reaction, so asked Mahoun if he was angry.
186: tIq yaj

SIbI' jang Mahoun, "ghobe', tujoy. jISaQbe' 'e' vInID. tlhIngan quv 
chutmey vIyajchu'be' 'ach puq SoHtaHvIS Heghpu' vavlI' 'ej not yInDaj 
Dalop net chaw'. vavlI' DatemnISpu'. tIqwIj 'oy'moH lut."

not 'eSSIm tIq 'oy' yajpu' vay' 'ach SIbI' 'oy'vetlh Delchu'ta' 
Mahoun. 'eSSIm tIq Dotlh DelmeH mu' ghaj'a' Mahoun Hol? mu'mey Hutlh 
'eSSIm. qechmeyvetlh buStaH neHbe'. bal poSmoH 'ej cha' HIvje' teb. 
"wItlhutlhtaHvIS nuq wIjatlh?" jatlh 'eSSIm.

jatlh Mahoun, "jupwI' SoHtaH." HIvje'Daj woH 'ej HIq tlhutlhchoH.

jatlh 'eSSIm, "jupwI' SoHtaH 'ej reH juppu' maHtaHjaj!" HIqDaj 
tlhutlhchu'. lugh Mahoun: pujqu' HIq 'ach Daj wejwa'[205]. nov tIDaq 
nguvtaH 'op por 'ej parHa'meH ghewmey He'taH. pIwvetlh qawmoH HIq wejwa'.[204]

jatlh Mahoun, "HIq HoSghaj DamaSchugh chomawbe'." nay'mey'e' 
vutta'bogh 'eSSIm waHDI' Mahoun lumerlaw'. "loQ mughIjpu' Sojvam 'ach 
'ey." jatlh. 'elpI'vo' mIn tlhap Mahoun. mIn boQ DuqmeH Sen, 'ej 
HurDaq qetltlhup qang. nujDaqDaj ghoDta'DI' HIq tlhutlhqa'.

Qe'Daq, yuQjIjDIvI' lopno'Daq je QIt Soj Soppu' Mahoun 'ej nov Soj 
tIghDaj pabtaH. Hagh 'eSSIm 'ej jatlh, "DaH bISoptaHvIS tlhIngan DaDachu'!"

mon Mahoun. jatlh, "HIq yIpIch. muDuQ Sojvam."

wej HIvje' wa'DIch tlhutlhchu'pu' Mahoun. Mahoun chechmoHlaHchugh 
HIvje' bID HIq puj, HIq HoSghajqu' tlhutlhnISchoH 'eSSIm. 
chechtlhutlh Suq 'ej ba'qa'. "'IwlIj jachjaj," jatlh 'eSSIm, 'ej 
chechtlhutlh ghup. Soj luSoptaH 'ej HIq lutlhutlhtaH. loQ 'eSSIm yIn 
luqel 'ach yu'be' Mahoun. 'Ij neH 'ej Hoch laj. 'eSSIm pIchbe' 'ej 
qIchbe'. 'eSSIm qa' ghunmoH laj HIq je. ghaH retlhDaq ba'taH Mahoun. 
'eSSIm volchaHDu'Daq wa' DeS qat 'ej Mahoun volchaHDaq 'eSSIm nach 
'uchtaH latlh. 'eSSIm Quch yach Mahoun ghop. pujwI' ghaH Mahoun'e' 
'ach Hoch 'eSSIm 'oy' qaDlaHmo' 'ej jeylaHmo' DaHjaj 'eSSImvaD Mahoun 
HoS law' Hoch HoS puS.
SKI: Mahoun loves Essim's food, and Essim.
[204] I was going to reject this as ridiculously unwieldy for "it had 
a floral flavour" but 'eSSIm is a biologist, so her musing on the 
characteristics of alien plants isn't out of character. I'm assuming 
we don't have a simple word "flower" because Qo'noS vegetation, like 
native Hawaiian flora, didn't evolve displays of scent and colour to 
lure insects for pollination.
[205] I was actually writing this sentence as 'ISqu''s mail 
announcing the new word arrived. It was originally {mumDI' Daj}.

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