[Tlhingan-hol] KLBC: introduction

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh qeslagh at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 14 19:02:42 PDT 2012

In the spirit of things.

QeS 'oH tlhIngan pongwIj'e'.
My Klingon name is QeS.

qaStaHvIS wa'maH cha' DIS tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaH.
I have been studying Klingon for twelve years.

qen loQ jItamchoHpu' 'ach reH tetlh QInmey vIlaDtaH.
I have become quiet recently but I continue to read the list emails.

'aSralya' vIDabmo', puS tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI'pu' vIqIHbogh.
Because I live in Australia, the Klingon speakers I have met are few.

'ach tagha' wa'ben qep'a'Daq latlh jatlhwI'pu' vIqIHlaH.
But at last year's qep'a' I was finally able to meet other speakers.

Dunqu' chaH. tlhaQ 'ej Daj.
They were wonderful people. They are funny and interesting.

tlhIngan Hol boghojtaHchugh, nuvpu'vam pov boSovchoHlaH je tlhIH.
If you continue to learn Klingon, you will be able to get to know these excellent people too.

'ej 'aSralya' boDabchugh 'op tlhIH, HIrI'qu'! naDev 'ut latlh jatlhwI'pu'.
And if any of you are in Australia, by all means send me a message! We need more speakers here.

QeS 'utlh

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