[Tlhingan-hol] mIl'oD veDDIr SuvwI': 'ay' 2 - yIlop; chaq wa'leS maHegh!

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Jul 30 08:41:21 PDT 2012

>>>> cheghqa'DI' 'ej tIna'tIn leghqa'DI', tIqDaj lumeQqa'moHlu'
>>>> 'ej lu'aw'qa'lu' [8].
>>> That one caught me out two when I described three hearts beating
>>> in an embrace. There's more, and more recent canon supporting one
>>> Klingon heart.
jang je Voragh, jatlh:
>> Time Lords may have two hearts, but Klingons have only one, eight-
>> chambered heart (cf. TNG "Ethics").

> qatlho', Voragh. lI'qa'bej qawHaq'a'lIj! (Good thing, too - I could
> see that at some stage I'd slip with heart numbers and having to deal
> with just one is much simpler.) 

Though not as interesting.  Still, there are other redundant organs available.  We know that Klingons have two livers {chej}, three lungs {tagh}, 23 ribs {joQ}, a redundant stomach {burgh}, a backup for their synaptic functions, and - of course - at least two QiVons {qIvon} (whatever that is).

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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