[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wejmaH wa': tlhe'moHlu'DI' qoy'moH

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Jul 8 06:22:19 PDT 2012

vajar is playing mind games with vajar, while 
inflicting enough pain to cloud his thinking and to make him cry out.

CONTENT: pain and blood and bodily harm.

tlhe'moHlu'DI' qoy'moH

jatlh qImyal, «Da'oymoHlu'DI' 'bIjach. yItuHQo'. 
QaptaHvIS HughlIj taghDu'lIj je, bIjach. 
DacherghlaHbe'chugh pIch Daghajbe'. bIyoHqu'. Dotlh!»

«Hota'ro'!» jatlh vajar. Hota'ro' pumbe' vajar 'a 
qen Hota'ro'vaD mu'meyvetlh jatlhpu'mo', 
mer.  wa'Hu' Hota'ro'vaD jatlhtaHvIS vajar, 
ghorDaq chaHtaHmo', qonlaHbe'pu' Hung HotlhwI'. 
ghoqwI' ghaHlaH'a' Hota'ro''e'? veraghmey 
tlhe'be'qu'DI' Sa', vajar tIq 'oy' law' law' vajar yaDDu' 'oy' law' puS.[276]

jatlh qImyal, «HIja', Dumaghta' je. Hoch 
Daja'ta'bogh vISov. matlh yaSlI' 'e' DaHar'a'? 
bIchunqu'. bIchun 'e' vISov. Qu'vetlh Dapeghmo' 
bImatlhqu' 'e' DaHar. bImuj 'ach Do'Ha' 
qaponlaHbe'. HeSwI'na' SoHbe' 'e' vISov. 
nIjatlhmoHpu'DI' janmeyvam ra'ghomquvvaD De' 
potlh vInob. chaHvaD ponmeH mIwmeywIj vI'angbe'. 
bISappu' 'e' luHar. Sub Damoj. qaStaHvIS wejmaH 
wej DIS De'vam nejlI' tlhIngan wo' 'ej nIteb choqta' vajar HoD.»

bechtaH vajar 'e' tIvqu'ba' qImyal. qaStaHvIS tup 
puS loStaH. nongmoHlaw' vajar bep. jatlh, «yIqel, 
HoD. qatlh DeghwI' po' vIghong 'ej vIlon? 
ghoqwI'wI' ghaH je. loDnalDaj ghaH gharon'e'.»

DaH nepba' qImyal. ja' vajar, «qaH'eng.»

ja' qImyal, «chajDaj. DujlIjDaq Hota'ro' 
DatlhobDI', DungaghnISbe'meH, be'pu' maS 'e' maq. 
bI'up jatlhpu'mo' be'nalqoqlI', Dungagh Hota'ro' 
'e' vIra'be'.» joDqa' qImyal 'ej 'oy' ghurmoH. 
DaH 'oy'taH marwI'Du', volchaHDu' je 'ej 'oy'choH 
je qam naQ, jatlh qImyal, «Dumer'a' bep? 
ghopDu'lIj qamDu'lIj je rar Hoch porghlIj 'oy' 
noch.». loS qImyal ghIq 'oy' ghurqa'moH. tlhuHHa'qu'choH vajar.

vajar qa' SIjlI'mo' qImyal mu'mey, qImyal jan 
'oy' 'omlaHbe' vajar porgh. motlh rIQqu'taHvIS 
lullaHtaH vajar. 'oy' SIQlaHbej, 'ach pIm 
ghu'vam. qaStaHvIS may' pIj QIH tu'be' SuvwI' 
Sey. jotqu'mo' qImyal 'ej loStaHmo' 'oy' qIlbe' 
Seyqu'taHghach. maghpu' Hota'ro' 'e' HarlaHbe' 
vajar. tlhuHtaHvIS jachchoH. jachDI' 'oy'choHmo' HughDaj, loQ yaD 'oy' qIl.

«maj», jatlh qImyal. DaH ghoghlIj vIQoychoHbej. 
QaplI' mIw. DuDuQDI' taj bIregh. qajoy'DI' 
bIjatlh. Da'omlaHbe'. yIlaj. DaH De' vIpoQbogh HIja'.»

'oy''a'mo' De' poQbogh qImyal qawbe' vajar. ghelpu''a'?

«pagh vISov», jatlh vajar. «HIHarneS.» ghoghDaj 
QoyDI' puq ghogh rur. Sa' maw' yonmoHmeH nuq 
ja'laH? ravDaq reghtaH yaDDu'Daj lutaplu'bogh.

bej neH qImyal. Hu' 'ej volchaHDu'Daj leSmoHmeH 
DopmeyDaq DeSDu'Daj SIch. jatlh, «qIv DeSqIv ghap 
Qaw'meH rurbogh janmey vIghaj. 'oy'qu'moH je, 
'ach Do'Ha' SuvwI' luQotlhchu'.» vajar chol 
qImyal 'ej vajar 'uSDu' joj qotlhmeH DaSpu' lo'. 
jatlh, «naDev jan vIjomlaH. 'oy'qu'ba' 'ej 
che'ronvaD SuvwI' laH Qaw'chu'be'. 'ach rInDI' may' ... qay'laH.» Hagh qImyal.
SKI: qImyal continues to inflict physical and 
emotional pain on vajar while insisting he provide information.
[276] There was a point at which I realized, "I 
made my main antagonist an expert torturer. She 
is convinced that my main protagonist has 
information she needs. Now I can't get out of 
this novel without a torture scene. I hate 
torture! I don't want to write torture!" But I 
did it anyway. I don't know about you, and I know 
vajar isn't, but I'm having almost as much fun as qImyal is here!  

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