[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wejmaH wa': tlhe'moHlu'DI' qoy'moH

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Jul 8 21:18:40 PDT 2012

At 21:27 '?????' 7/8/2012, you wrote:
>Who is playing mind games with whom? vajar with self?Â

Hey, at least it shows I'm just making normal 
language errors when I rearrange a Klingon 
sentence and it comes out stupid. I'm certain if 
you read the chapter you can figure out who is playing games with whom.

Ha a you've just made me imagine that there are a 
bunch of people following the super-condensed 
version of the story, consisting only of the 
chapter summaries. Just for that, I will now make 
the so-called summaries wander off the main story 
and tell an entirely different one. :-)

>lay'tel SIvten
>On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Qov 
><<mailto:robyn at flyingstart.ca>robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
>vajar is playing mind games with vajar, while 
>inflicting enough pain to cloud his thinking and to make him cry out.
>CONTENT: pain and blood and bodily harm.
>tlhe'moHlu'DI' qoy'moH
>jatlh qImyal, «Da'oymoHlu'DI' 'bIjach. 
>yItuHQo'. QaptaHvIS HughlIj taghDu'lIj je, 
>bIjach. DacherghlaHbe'chugh pIch Daghajbe'. bIyoHqu'. Dotlh!»
>«Hota'ro'!» jatlh vajar. Hota'ro' pumbe' vajar 
>'a qen Hota'ro'vaD mu'meyvetlh jatlhpu'mo', mer. 
>Â wa'Hu' Hota'ro'vaD jatlhtaHvIS vajar, ghorDaq 
>chaHtaHmo', qonlaHbe'pu' Hung HotlhwI'. ghoqwI' 
>ghaHlaH'a' Hota'ro''e'? veraghmey tlhe'be'qu'DI' 
>Sa', vajar tIq 'oy' law' law' vajar yaDDu' 'oy' law' puS.[276]
>jatlh qImyal, «HIja', Dumaghta' je. Hoch 
>Daja'ta'bogh vISov. matlh yaSlI' 'e' DaHar'a'? 
>bIchunqu'. bIchun 'e' vISov. Qu'vetlh Dapeghmo' 
>bImatlhqu' 'e' DaHar. bImuj 'ach Do'Ha' 
>qaponlaHbe'. HeSwI'na' SoHbe' 'e' vISov. 
>nIjatlhmoHpu'DI' janmeyvam ra'ghomquvvaD De' 
>potlh vInob. chaHvaD ponmeH mIwmeywIj vI'angbe'. 
>bISappu' 'e' luHar. Sub Damoj. qaStaHvIS wejmaH 
>wej DIS De'vam nejlI' tlhIngan wo' 'ej nIteb choqta' vajar HoD.»
>bechtaH vajar 'e' tIvqu'ba' qImyal. qaStaHvIS 
>tup puS loStaH. nongmoHlaw' vajar bep. jatlh, 
>«yIqel, HoD. qatlh DeghwI' po' vIghong 'ej 
>vIlon? ghoqwI'wI' ghaH je. loDnalDaj ghaH gharon'e'.»
>DaH nepba' qImyal. ja' vajar, «qaH'eng.»
>ja' qImyal, «chajDaj. DujlIjDaq Hota'ro' 
>DatlhobDI', DungaghnISbe'meH, be'pu' maS 'e' 
>maq. bI'up jatlhpu'mo' be'nalqoqlI', Dungagh 
>Hota'ro' 'e' vIra'be'.» joDqa' qImyal 'ej 'oy' 
>ghurmoH. DaH 'oy'taH marwI'Du', volchaHDu' je 
>'ej 'oy'choH je qam naQ, jatlh qImyal, 
>«Dumer'a' bep? ghopDu'lIj qamDu'lIj je rar Hoch 
>porghlIj 'oy' noch.». loS qImyal ghIq 'oy' ghurqa'moH. tlhuHHa'qu'choH vajar.
>vajar qa' SIjlI'mo' qImyal mu'mey, qImyal jan 
>'oy' 'omlaHbe' vajar porgh. motlh rIQqu'taHvIS 
>lullaHtaH vajar. 'oy' SIQlaHbej, 'ach pIm 
>ghu'vam. qaStaHvIS may' pIj QIH tu'be' SuvwI' 
>Sey. jotqu'mo' qImyal 'ej loStaHmo' 'oy' qIlbe' 
>Seyqu'taHghach. maghpu' Hota'ro' 'e' HarlaHbe' 
>vajar. tlhuHtaHvIS jachchoH. jachDI' 'oy'choHmo' HughDaj, loQ yaD 'oy' qIl.
>«maj», jatlh qImyal. DaH ghoghlIj 
>vIQoychoHbej. QaplI' mIw. DuDuQDI' taj bIregh. 
>qajoy'DI' bIjatlh. Da'omlaHbe'. yIlaj. DaH De' vIpoQbogh HIja'.»
>'oy''a'mo' De' poQbogh qImyal qawbe' vajar. ghelpu''a'?
>«pagh vISov», jatlh vajar. «HIHarneS.» 
>ghoghDaj QoyDI' puq ghogh rur. Sa' maw' 
>yonmoHmeH nuq ja'laH? ravDaq reghtaH yaDDu'Daj lutaplu'bogh.
>bej neH qImyal. Hu' 'ej volchaHDu'Daj leSmoHmeH 
>DopmeyDaq DeSDu'Daj SIch. jatlh, «qIv DeSqIv 
>ghap Qaw'meH rurbogh janmey vIghaj. 'oy'qu'moH 
>je, 'ach Do'Ha' SuvwI' luQotlhchu'.» vajar chol 
>qImyal 'ej vajar 'uSDu' joj qotlhmeH DaSpu' lo'. 
>jatlh, «naDev jan vIjomlaH. 'oy'qu'ba' 'ej 
>che'ronvaD SuvwI' laH Qaw'chu'be'. 'ach rInDI' may' ... qay'laH.» Hagh qImyal.
>SKI: qImyal continues to inflict physical and 
>emotional pain on vajar while insisting he provide information.
>[276] There was a point at which I realized, "I 
>made my main antagonist an expert torturer. She 
>is convinced that my main protagonist has 
>information she needs. Now I can't get out of 
>this novel without a torture scene. I hate 
>torture! I don't want to write torture!" But I 
>did it anyway. I don't know about you, and I 
>know vajar isn't, but I'm having almost as much fun as qImyal is here! Â
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