[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh cha'maH loS: <QuSHey>

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Wed Jan 11 06:16:23 PST 2012

ghutar volunteered to show vajar the way to the washroom


jatlh ghutar, "nIbuQbogh QuSmey vIcherghQo'. poS yIghoS." wa'Hu' QuS 
qelbe'qu'law'taH. QuSwI' ghaHchugh tojwI''a' ghaH je. chaq tarmo' 
lIjchu'pu' lagh.

jatlh vajar, "HoD HoHrupchugh betleH yanbogh SuvwI' Qup 
bImun'a'?"[89] jejmo' vajar ghogh, qIm ghutar 'ej pay' yajchoH.

jatlh ghutar, "Qo'! HISlaH 'e' vIHech. vIta'Qo'. vImunbej. jIQuSQo'! 
Duja''a' Hota'ro'? muyajHa'law' jay! HoD! jImatlh 'e' vI'Ip."

jatlh vajar, "yIQIj."

jatlh ghutar, "wa'Hu', SuQortaHmo' 'ungya Sogh SoH je, moch Hegh 
vIqelchoH. tlhIbchoHchugh mochwI' pagh matlhHa'choHchugh Qu'wIj 'oH 
Heghvetlh'e' 'e' vISov. reH Qu'wIj vIta'rupchu' vIneH. vIta'Ha'chugh 
vIquvHa''eghmoH. Hota'ro'vaD jIghel, 'ach muyajHa'. reH Duj Hub neH. 

jatlh vajar, "qatlh DeSwIj rIQ boqel? DaH HoSchu'." tobmeH ghutar DeS 
mupmeH ro' lo'. Sub ghutar Somraw.

puchpa' lu'el.[88]

jatlh ghutar, "cha'logh Daghor 'e' vIja'be'. rInDI' may' Homvetlh 
Daghorpu' 'e' wISov Hoch. qatmeH baS lo' Hota'ro' 'e' DalIj'a'? ngugh 
Qapbe' ghopDu'wIj."

jatlh HoD, "DaH Qapchu''a'?"

jatlh ghutar, "wej pup 'ach DaHjaj betleH vIlo'laHchu'mo' jIbepbe'. 
nuHwIj vI'uchqa'laHmo' jIbelqu'."

jangchu'be'ta' ghutar 'ach DIvbe'law'. QuS Hota'ro' ghutar je 'e' 
pIHbe' vajar 'ach reH yepnIS HoD. wa'maH Hut ben pajDI' HoD 'utlh, 
yaS wa'DIch HoHta' matHa', ngugh HoD gheSpu' matHa' 'ej yaS wa'DIch 
gheSpu' vajar. vaQ matHa'/HoDvetlh. potlh vavDaj. qaSpu'DI' wa' DIS, 
Duj chu' Suqpu'--*Dugh* 'oH Dujvetlh chu''e'. ngugh So'wI'Daj QaQ 
law' Hoch QaQ puS. qaStaHvIS cha' DIS *Dugh* ra' HoDvetlh, ghIq HoH 
jagh beH tIH. HoD nISwI' woHta' vajar 'ej yovtaH beq 'e' Dev. 
ramvetlh *Dugh* lutIjqa'taHvIS, <vajar HoD> jatlhDI' DeghwI', *Dugh* 
HoD gheSpu' pay' 'e' tlhoj.
SKI: vajar and ghutar chat about what the captain overheard.
[88] As I first wrote this it was Hota'ro' showing him where the 
toilets were. I only changed it because I decided I wanted ghutar's 
side of the story first. The cultural baggage we haul around amuses 
me. They were halfway done the hall before I realized I was mentally 
looking for a door with a little man symbol on it. Do Klingons have 
sex-segregated toilet rooms? I doubt it. We know they have toilets, 
and toilet rooms. So Hota'ro' would have followed him in and no doubt 
kept talking as she would were he using a drinking fountain or having 
a snack. I bet she pulled up her paH bID and pissed against the same 
wall, or however the toilets work on a Klingon battleship. Lacking 
the required verbs, I skipped that part, regardless of who 
accompanied him to the can. Klingons, I've decided, are, unlike most 
human males of my culture, so manly that they can sustain 
conversation and pee at the same time.
[89] I laugh that it's the V2 suffix here that disambiguates the -bogh clause.
I'll tell you the part of this 'ay' that makes me laugh the most, if 
no one else points it out first.
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