[Tlhingan-hol] birds (was Re: Klingon Bird-of-Prey Haynes Manual)

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Tue Dec 18 07:20:38 PST 2012

>> {lotlhmoq} - a bird that swoops into the water in order to catch food,
>> but cannot swim
> Possibly not a pun.  It first appeared in Keith R.A. DeCandido's _Enemy Territory_ as a
> "predatory bird native to Qo'noS that swoops into the water to catch food".

Not quite; according to http://klingonska.org/canon/search/?file=2001-12-holqed-10-4.txt&get=source, it first appeared in HolQeD in 2001. "Enemy Territory" was not released until 2005.
Lawrence M. Schoen is credited in the acknowledgedments "for consistent linguistic aid", so it's quite likely DeCandido learned the word from him.

By the way, here are two other non-canon birds with named that fit the Okrandian style:

*taqnar* - http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Taknar
*pochtoQ* - http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Sea_pochtoQ (not confirmed as a bird, but the description combined with the syllable {toQ} would seem to indicate it)

Klingonaase terms pertaining to birds (all from the FASA Ship Recognition Manual, 2nd edition):

d'gavama = "bird-of-prey"
 - Also the K-22 Class V Scout (in FASA canon, Kruge's ship was of type K-22B)
 - Probably linked to d'ama, which means "predator".
z'gavasta = "great bird"
 - Also the L-42 Class IX/X Frigate
z'gavva = "stronger bird"
 - Also the D-32 Class VII Cruiser

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