[Tlhingan-hol] chIjwI' tIQ bom: 'ay' Qav

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh qeslagh at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 29 07:14:35 PDT 2011

Well, it's been a while in the making, and the rest I'm still doing some
revisions on. But here 'tis, in the original Klingon: Part VII, the last
section of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, in which the Mariner's tale
to the wedding-guest reaches its conclusion.

Once I've done with revising the full poem, if anyone wants a copy I'll
gladly send it on. And now that's done, I'm fair itching to try something
else. Any suggestions/requests?

Comments, critiques and such are welcome as usual.

chIjwI' tIQ bom: 'ay' Soch

bIQ'a' retlh SIch ngem'a'vetlh mIch
Dabbogh lalDan DevwI'.
chuSqu' jatlhchu'bogh ghoghDaj 'ey!
bIQ beq nov jatlhDI' ghaH, reH Sey,
Sep Hop beq jatlhlaHDI'.

po tor, DungluQ tor, pov tor je -
ghaH ma' quSHomHey tun:
Sor pe'lu'pu'bogh pIrmuS non
So'bogh tIHomDaq ngun.

chol lupDujHom: jatlh 'e' vIQoy,
< toH, Huj wanI'vam Doj!
nuqDaq bIH wovmoHwI' 'IH'e'?
qen puH lurI', DaH loj! >

< Huj 'e' vI'Ip! > jatlh lalDan qup,
< 'ej beymaj jangbe'lu'!
SaSchu'be'law' choQ! vo'wI''e',
tISqu' bIH 'ej QaDqu'!
not qo'Daq rurbogh Doch vIlegh!
toH, chaq wa' Doch vIngu':

Doqqu'choHpu'bogh pormey rur;
ngem bIQtIq retlhDaq pum
yav So'lu'pu'DI' peDqu'mo',
be'Daj ghu SopDI' mughato',
wuptaHvIS cha'par ghum. >

< Qu'vatlh! veqlargh Duj rurlaw'qu'! >
(jatlh vergh DevwI' 'ej jang,)
< vIHaj! >; ghIq jatlh lalDan qup Quch,
< yIruchtaH SoH! yIvang! >

Dujmaj cholchu'lI' lupDujHom -
jIvIHbe', pagh vIja';
Duj bIngDaq cholchu' lupDujHom;
SIbI' jachlaw' wab'a'.

bIQ'a' bIngDaq Qomlaw' wabvetlh,
chuSqu'choHtaH, HajmoH:
ghIq Dujmaj SIch, bIQ'a' chevchu';
ghIr Duj; baS 'ugh rur 'oH. 

ghIrQo' porghwIj, muvulmoHta'
chuSqu'bogh wabvetlh Huj;
nuv voQmoHbogh bIQ'a' vIrur,
bIQDaq ratlh porghwIj puj;
'ach tlhoS mumer: pay' bIQ'a'vo'
mutoDta' DevwI' Duj.

DIngtaH Duj ghupbogh bIQ, 'ej pa'
DIngtaH je lupDujHom;
vIHbe'qu'lu', 'ach Qoylu'chu',
Qugh wab jachqa' HuD bom.

ngugh vIH wuSwIj - jach vergh DevwI',
vulchoH 'ej choQDaq pum;
mInDu'Daj pep lalDan DevwI',
quSDajDaq QunvaD Qum.

vo'wI' vItlhap: Haghqu'choHtaH
vergh DevwI' cha'DIch maw',
HaghtaHvIS ghaH, vIH mInDu'Daj,
naDev pa' je Hotlhlaw'.
< jIHaghbej! > ja', < veqlarghvam qa'
tebchu' vo'meH tonSaw'. >

'ej DaH yoSwIj vIcheghqa'ta',
puH letqu'Daq jIQam!
'ej lupDujHomvo' mejDI' ghaH
ngaDHa' lalDan qup qam.

< HIquvqa'moH, lalDan qup qan! >
QuchDajDaq pe''eghpu'.
< nom jatlh, > jatlh ghaH, < chojatlh vIneH -
loD Segh SoHbogh yIngu'! >

jatlhDI', SIbI' porghwIj muplu',
joy'qu'choH bep'a' qab!
lutwIj vItagh 'e' raD bep'a';
pay' mej 'ej ghIq jItlhab.

'ach rep vIngu'laHbe'qu'bogh,
jIHvaD cheghqa' bep'a',
'ej meQtaH tIqwIj, lutwIj qab
Hajlu'bogh jatlhlu'pa'.

Hoch puH vISuch, ram Hurgh vIrur;
muteb QIch HoS'a' jum;
qabDaj vIleghchoHDI', vIghov -
mu'IjnISqu'bogh loD vISov,
ghaHvaD lutwIj vIQum.

lojmItvo' wup bey'a', numup!
pa' chaHtaH lopwI''e';
'ach wIjHom 'IHDaq bom naywI',
bom je lutlhejbogh be':
'ej Qun vIjatlh 'e' raDchoHmeH
wab tlhuD pov 'InHom'e'!

'o SawwI' meb! jImobtaHvIS
bIQ'a'Daq Dach latlh qa'!
nIteb jIHtaH 'ej tlhoS Dachlaw'
'ej lonlaw'ta' Qunma'.

matay'choHchugh nuv quv jIH je,
chIrghDaq wIlenglaHmeH,
Dunqu'; jIHvaD lengvetlh 'ey Quch
SawwI' 'uQ'a' 'ey QeH! [1]

chIrghDaq wIlenglaHmeH maH cha' -
Qunma' wIQummeH He;
QunvaD matorlaHmeH maH Hoch,
wIvuvmeH; qup, ghu, chaj, maqoch,
Quchqu'bogh loD be' je!

jItlheD; Qapla'! 'ach SoH qaja',
'o SawtaHghach meb quv!
batlh yInchu'ta', SaH quvbogh qa' [2]
ghot Dep je vuvDI' nuv.

batlh yInlu'ta', SaH quvbogh qa'
Hoch Dol luvuvlu'DI';
Hoch Dol muSHa' numuSHa'bogh
Qunma', Hoch chenmoHwI'. > [3]

peDlaw'bogh woS, bochbogh mIn je
ghajbogh chIjwI''e', tlheD:
'ej SawwI' lopwI''e', DaH tlhe',
SawwI' lojmItvo' HeD.

vulHa'choHlaw'pu'bogh nuv'e'
'ej Soy'bogh rur, mejDI';
po veb vemDI', ghaH 'IQmoHta'
'ach valmoHta' chIjwI'.



[1] A lazy, lazy way of reaching for a rhyme here. I have my doubts as
to if the Quch - QeH pair would be accepted in a law'/puS construction
and I'm working on a decent recast.

[2] Quite proud of this verse. The original doesn't only have an ABAB
rhyme, but the A lines *both* also have half rhymes. But Coleridge's
version goes the easy way out and uses "well" three times out of four.

[3] I promise I never meant to slip so much religion under your noses.
I've flipped back and forth between Kahless and god/God/gods/Gods, and
I'm checking now to see if it all makes more or less sense.

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