[Tlhingan-hol] qawHaq tI'nISlu' - The Archives must be mended (Was: RE: ghIQlI')

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Tue Jan 26 13:53:23 PST 2016

***  Partial English translation at end   ***

mupIlmoH QInvam.

wa' Seng neH 'agh ghantoH cha'bogh ghojwI''e' : ghojmeH mIw pov lo'mo', tugh ghojmeH mIwvam lo'nISbe'choH 'ej ghantoH Dun lughajbe'choH latlhpu'.

> no,please don't ! I really appreciate it so much, that you and everyone else
> here, are taking the time to teach and help me. Your comments,
> demonstrate the wonderful complexity of Klingon and its beauty as well. The
> more I study all those details you are so kind to share, the more I love
> Klingon, and the more I want to learn as much as I can.
> This is actually the reason, I always write my intented english meaning below
> the Klingon sentence ; because I hope that someone will correct me.
> Because if noone corrects me, how will I learn ?
> So, please keep correcting me !

jabbI'ID ghomvamDaq tlhIngan Hol ghojtaH ngIq jeSwI'. mataghDI' pagh wISov 'ej ghommo' maghojtaH. 

manID. wIlughmoHlu'. maghel. maghoH. ma'Ij. manIDqa'. tagha' wIlajlu' 'ej Dujmaj luvoqchoH latlhpu'. jatlhwI'na'' DImoj.

qawHaq nuDlu'chugh, ghoHbogh taghwI' Qov, chu'wI' taD, pagh Sovbogh pagh'e', 'arHa' jIv, Qaghbogh Quvar je  leghlu'.  (*)

tlhIngan Hol ghojmeH mIw leghlaHchugh vay' yajchoH 'ej ghelvIpbe'choH. qawHaqDaq qech DInejnISqa'laH.

Each and every participant on this list is learning Klingon. When we start[ed] we know/knew nothing and we learn[ed] because of this list. (Man, English is an awkward language)

We try. We are corrected. We ask. We dispute. We listen. We try again. At last we are accepted and others begin to trust our instincts. We become speakers.

Examining the archives one can see argumentative beginner Qov, taD the newbie, know-nothing pagh, ignorant 'arHa, and erroneous Quvar.

If someone can see the process for learning Klingon, then s/he comes to understand it and lose fear of asking questions. We need to regain the ability to search in the archives.

  - Qov ‘utlh

* ngIq mIw vIqawbe' 'ej vIvaqbe'. jIv 'ej ghoH 'ej chu' 'ej Qagh Hoch.
Online Klingon Course free to all KLI members: http://www.kli.org/members-only/klcp-prep/

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