[Tlhingan-hol] *ghabtar* mupwI'...

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 05:16:00 PST 2016

>> How would you say "he's an honorary Klingon" (i.e., I consider him a
>> Klingon for the purposes under consideration)?

lojmIt tI'wI' nuv:
> tlhIngan ghaHbe', 'ach tlhInganna' Dachu'.
> Yes, the last word is ambiguous, but the alternative meaning would require further explanation as to the nature of your engaging a true Klingon.

That might work for some contexts, but not this one.

Have people not seen Galaxy Quest? Alan Rickman plays an actor who
plays a rubber-forehead-alien on that movie universe's version of Star
Trek. Basically, he plays Michael Dorn. (He plays an actor who has
made fame and fortune by playing a rubber-forehead-alien on a popular
sci-fi show but who resents the indelible association.)

I consider him an honorary Klingon. He doesn't act like a Klingon. He
hasn't actually acted (in a movie) as a Klingon. His association with
Klingonhood is much more subtle than that: he played an actor who
plays a Klingon without playing an actor who plays a Klingon.


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