[Tlhingan-hol] Interactions between verb suffixes

Bellerophon, modeler bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 09:38:00 PST 2016

Sleeping on it, I realized vImejmoHmeH jIHqang means "I am willing to be,
in order to make them depart." jIDoy'law'pu'. pIj tlhIngan ghItlh
jIlaDnISqa' je.
I like Will's suggestion of vImejmoHmeH jIvangqang for disambiguating
vImejqangmoH. It's direct.

Looking over the examples in TKD 6.3 and imagining -qang added to the
pronoun, I see varying levels of weirdness, all avoidable.
De'vID suggested {ratlh} to avoid -qang in a "to be" sentence. {taH} and
{moj} could come in handy, too. Any verb gives more information than "to

And qunnoQ, I think {vebHa'} is accepted usage for "previous." Besides, I
can't think what else it would mean. It's pretty neat that if you can't
find a verb, negating its antonym sometimes works.
My modeling blog:          http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/
My other modeling blog:  http://bellerophon.blog.com/
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