[Tlhingan-hol] vulqa'nganpu'

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 12:36:45 PST 2016

lojmIt tI'wI' nuv 'utlh:
> I quite honestly would interpret {qama’ ghaH. luHoHpu’ ‘ach ‘e’ vISovbe’} to mean “They killed her, but I didn’t know she was a prisoner.”
> I would also interpret {qama’ ghaH, ‘ach luHoHpu’ ‘e’ vISovbe’} to mean “I didn’t know that [she was a prisoner but they killed her].”
> You can come up with reasons why you think it should be interpreted otherwise, but I doubt you’ve got a strong argument about why my interpretations are necessarily wrong. I’m simply using the rules of grammar as explained in TKD, and lacking any subsequent, clear information that suggests otherwise.

I don't think your interpretation is wrong. I think the sentence is
ambiguous, depending on the order in which {'ach} and {'e'} are
{ (qama' ghaH, 'ach luHoHpu') 'e' vISovbe' }
{qama' ghaH, 'ach ( luHoHpu' 'e' vISovbe' ) }

Both are possible interpretations of the sentence.


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