[Tlhingan-hol] Easter

mayqel qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 09:18:10 PDT 2016

Ca'non master:
> SuD Dargh 'ej wov
> The tea is {SuD} and light. (KGT) = sentence
> SuDbogh Dargh 'ej wovbogh
> the tea that is {SuD} and light (KGT) = phrase

how stupid of me.. I have read the KGT, but I had forgotten of these
examples ! thank you for reminding me !

mIv Hurgh HoD

On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:
> mayqel qunenoS :
>> hmm.. very interesting thoughts; so, if I understand correctly, one
>> cannot actually use the verb {chol} to express that a holiday/event
>> approaches, qar'a'? and if that is the case, which verb can he actually
>> use?
> AFAIK we have only one example of {chol} "close in, get closer, come nearer":
>   chollI'
>   It is getting closer. TKD
> Okrand comments:
> TKD 42:  If a missile is getting closer, but its intended destination is not known, {choltaH} (with {-taH} "continuous") would be more appropriate.
> It's antonym seems to be {DoH} "back away from, back off, get away from".  We also have {Duv} "advance" (no examples) and {tlhetlh} "progress" (no examples) so it's unknown whether you can use this with events/holidays/etc.
> I would say {nom qaS} "it happens (will happen) soon".  You could also use the verbs {Dor} "end", {van} "end (an event)", {ghang} "end (an event) prematurely", {tagh} "begin a process" or {lop} "celebrate".
> We have an example from Okrand WRT birthdays:
>   tugh Dor qoSlIj. nom yIlop!
>   (MO's untranslated FaceBook post to Lieven, 3/29/12)
>> I wrote {*rabbits* Doqqu' 'ej wov} meaning "pink rabbits". is my use of
>> {Doqqu' 'ej wov} correct? I mean, does it indeed behave as "a single
>> item", being placed after the noun it describes?
>   SuD Dargh 'ej wov
>   The tea is {SuD} and light. (KGT) = sentence
>   SuDbogh Dargh 'ej wovbogh
>   the tea that is {SuD} and light (KGT) = phrase
> You can also replace {'ej} with {'ach}.  For exemple to refer to a yellowish tinge:
>   SuD 'ej wov
>   (it) is {SuD} and light  (KGT)
>   SuD 'ach wov
>   (it) is] {SuD} but light (is also heard) KGT
> So all together:
>   Doq RABBITmey 'ej wov.
>   The rabbits are {Doq} and light.
>   muchollI' Doqbogh RABBITmey 'ej wovbogh.
>   The pink rabbits are getting closer (are approaching me).
> BTW I would Drop {-qu'}.  If they are pink how can they be {Doqqu'} "very {Doq}?  If they are an intense shade of {Doq} you can replace {wov} "be light" with {Hurgh} "be dark".
> --
> Voragh
> tlhIngan ghantoH pIn'a'
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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