[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ghIj

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Feb 16 07:41:29 PST 2015

> Klingon Word of the Day for Monday, February 16, 2015
> Klingon word: ghIj
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: scare

jaghpu'lI' DaghIjjaj 
May you scare your enemies! PK

qo'mey Sar charghtaHvIS chaH Dat tlhIngan may'Duj luleghDI' neH qIb
 nganpu' buQpu' may'Duj 'ej ghIjpu' 'oH. nIteb ghIjpu' je Deghvam 
this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the
 menacing profiles of their battlecruisers. SP1

ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj [sic] 
May your enemies run with fear.
 [This is the traditional ({no' Hol}?) acceptance upon being asked
  to serve as someone's {cha'Dich}. (TNG "Sins of the Father")]

jaghmeylI' DaghIjjaj, qetjaj jaghmeylI' 
May you scare your enemies, may your enemies run. TKW

not qoHpu''e' neH ghIjlu' 
Only fools have no fear. TKW

vay' DaghIjlaHchugh bIHoSghaj 
Fear is power.  TKW
 ["The meaning of this saying, of course, is that one who has the
   ability to instill fear can exert control over those who are
   afraid; there is more to power than physical force." (TKW 109)]

jIDoghqu' vIghIjlu'mo' 'ej bortaS vIneHmo' jIleghlaHbe' 'ach chovuvtaH 
What a fool I have been, blinded by fear and spite, and still you find
 me worthy. PB

Haj 		dread (v)
lIm 		panic (v)

-vIp 		afraid (V2 suffix)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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