[Tlhingan-hol] latlh De'wI' qon vIchenmoH: *Holghoj*. mu'tay' ghojmoHwI'.

Christoph Pichlmann christoph_pichlmann at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 9 13:20:32 PDT 2015

mIllogh 'oS mu'mey qoj wab 'oS mu'mey, qoj mu'mey ghItlh. net lo'beH Holghoj.
pab mu'mey ngu' Holghoj, vaj ngoQ mu' rur mu'mey cha'laH Holghoj.

Duyu'. yIlaD qoj yIlegh qoj yIQoy'. vaj yIwIv.

bIlughchugh, chaq pop DaSuq.

Holghoj yInID!
mu'tay' qonmey yIchenmoH!

tlhIngan Hol mu'taywIj vInatlhqa'pu'.
DaH, DIvI' Hol vIlo'. 

I wanted to write more in klingon, but as usual my poor grasp of the language is failing me...
What I would have liked to say:

I wrote another program, *Holghoj* (NOT a canon word of course). It's a vocabulary trainer.
Holghoj can use text, pictures, audio or video as "questions" and "answers", so you could for example have a video 
acoompanyed by "What's the subject?" and the answer is a picture (with 3 fake answers shown).
Also, Holghoj can "know" the grammatical type of a word, so it'll show you similar words as fake answers. (i.e. no 
question for a noun with 3 prefixes as potential answers).
If you have enough correct answers, you may get a reward (as defined in the vocabulary file, can be text, audio, 
picture or video again).

Try it.
Also, create some vocabulary files for it.

Here's the link: http://tlhingan.at/Holghoj

tay reyutqa' lupeQ

jIbuDmo', mu'tay' vIghojbe', 'ach mu'tay ghojmoHwI' jIghun 'ej vIlo'. Holghoj mu'tay qon bochenmoH vItul.

Any questions? Write me. I know the program and especially the creator program isn't too intuitive.
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