[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tlhorghHa'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon May 12 07:50:05 PDT 2014

>> KGT 85:  The same ideas are often expressed idiomatically.
>> [...] {jejHa'} [dull] really means something like "de-sharpened").

> As a parallel, it might be interesting to know (maybe just a
> coincidence) that the german word for "hot, spicy" (referring to 
> food is literally the same meaning as "sharp" (describing knifes).
> So maybe Klingons enjoy eating spicy food?

I wouldn't be surprised.  We know they do use spices (Okrand generally calls it "seasoning":
KGT 85:  The Klingon diet consists primarily of animal matter. With a few notable exceptions, plants seldom form the bases of dishes in their own right, though they are used quite a bit in food preparation, particularly as seasoning.

In KCD Okrand goes into some detail on the distinction between {ghargh} (serpent worms as animals) vs. {qagh} (serpent worms alive but with seasonings and sauce added, served as food).

which I'm sure are an important ingredient in their various sauces, e.g.

KGT 86f.:  Perhaps the most representative Klingon food, certainly the one best known outside of the Empire, is *gagh* (or, in Klingon, {qagh}): serpent worms in a thick sauce (called {ghevI'}). ... As the final step in preparing the dish, the worms are poured into a bowl filled with the {ghevI'} (sauce), which contains, among other ingredients, pellets of an extremely flavorful herb that the hungry worms quickly ingest, even though it is toxic to them and kills them within minutes. 

and {gha'poq} (*grapok* sauce), a "condiment, often used to bring out the flavor in *gagh* or *racht*. (DeCandido, DI, etc.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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