[Tlhingan-hol] wornagh per

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Thu May 8 07:21:16 PDT 2014

> Oh, and the {'It} in SuvwI'pu' is written as {lay}.

Does it on the can itself? I see it does on the label image, but the picture of the can seems to have fixed this.
There's also this poster:

I actually suspect I may have indirectly had some hand in this; I had some contact with the powers that be last year that involved reviewing a bunch of pIqaD sentences.

From: Bellerophon, modeler [bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 04:25
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] wornagh per

buy' ngop! tugh tera'Daq wornagh wItlhutlhlaH. naDev HIqvam lut yIlaD: http://www.thetrekcollective.com/2014/03/an-honorable-drink.html

This is old news, but only this evening did I get a good look at the label: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HzVQddjRRzs/UzGRHdkn9KI/AAAAAAAAYwQ/svlnWhM40Is/s1600/Federation+of+Beer+Klingon+Warnog+can+design.jpg

The pIqaD reads, "bogh tlhInganpu' Suvwl'pu' moj Hegh batlh bIHeghjaj," which I read as, "Klingons are born. Death becomes warriors. May you die with honor." Except for the last part, probably not what was intended. Oh, and the {'It} in SuvwI'pu' is written as {lay}. Still, much better than many commercial efforts at using Klingon, but Federation of Beer could use a little help from Klingonists.


My modeling blog:          http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/
My other modeling blog:  http://bellerophon.blog.com/
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