[Tlhingan-hol] wornagh per

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Thu May 8 03:03:03 PDT 2014

> buy' ngop! tugh tera'Daq wornagh wItlhutlhlaH. naDev HIqvam lut yIlaD:
> http://www.thetrekcollective.com/2014/03/an-honorable-drink.html
> This is old news, but only this evening did I get a good look at the label:
> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HzVQddjRRzs/UzGRHdkn9KI/AAAAAAAAYwQ/svlnWhM40Is/s1600/Federation+of+Beer+Klingon+Warnog+can+design.jpg

maj. tlhoS lughchu' tlhIngan Hol lo'lu'bogh.

How did KAG score that much free(?) advertising? What does it say
above "K.A.G. beer" on the left ("Sonch' v1"?)

And for once, the qaghwI' is misplaced in the DIvI' Hol rather than in
the Klingon ("Prized for it's [sic] health qualities... Qapla'!")


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