[Tlhingan-hol] Verbing objects

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Mar 28 06:16:56 PDT 2014

From: Felix Malmenbeck <felixm at kth.se>
> For example, I'm not too crazy about using {ghov} with a sentence as
> an object. The only canonical example of {ghov} (that I know of) is
> {qamlIj vIghov.} from KGT, meaning "I recognize your foot." (though
> it's probably meant to mean "I recognize your face.", spoken in the
> Krotmag dialect).  Does it make sense that the same verb that's used
> to say you recognize something by its countenance would be used to say
> you recognize the truth of a statement? To some, I'm sure, but to me
> that's very strange.

It makes sense to me. {ghov} isn't glossed as "recognize a countenance,"
it's just "recognize." I see no reason you can't recognize {'e'} "that" 
as well as you can recognize {qamlIj} or {qablIj}.


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