[Tlhingan-hol] KLI Website

Elizabeth Lawrence elizabeth.lawrence08 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 08:40:14 PDT 2014

It seems clear that we need a common content management system, and some
content managers.  That means that the *first* thing we need is someone to
set up the content management system.  I am strongly in favor of using
something extant, because it streamlines the whole process and is less
reliant on individuals, which I think is the point.  Therefore, the first
information needed is suggested content management systems, and volunteers
for their initial set-up.  Preference should be given to people who have
worked on a particular system before and are willing to do the set-up.

Both Brent and Qurgh have mentioned Bootstrap, are either of you willing to
use it to get something up and running?


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:32 AM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:

> From: qurgh lungqIj <qurgh at wizage.net>
> > If there is a style guide and standardized CSS there won't be any issues
> > with this, as long as people are using standard HTML5. If a theme is
> > defined, then everyone can use the same building blocks to construct
> their
> > parts of the site. If the site uses some kind of CMS, then it's even
> easier
> > to keep things looking the same.
> I'm confused: are we talking about kli.org just pointing to other sites
> people build themselves, or are we talking about multiple sites hosted
> by the KLI and administered by volunteers? I was under the impression it
> was the latter, which would allow the use of a common content management
> system for uniformity. As a site administrator, I wouldn't choose HTML
> and CSS versions, for instance; I would use whatever tools and templates
> the KLI provided me, and just manage the content.
> --
> SuStel
> http://www.trimboli.name/
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