[Tlhingan-hol] Story: ghuv = The Recruit - 18

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Wed Sep 4 16:31:48 PDT 2013

Last time I sent an episode, Torg the recruit was having dinner with the
rest of the team.

'eyHa' Soj. ghungqu'mo' torgh, Sop, tIvbe'taHvIS. 'utbe'bej bel 'ach DunlaH
Soj. Sagh ghom.  bombe' 'ej Soppu'DI' ratlhbe'. tlheDpu'DI' 'eng, tlhon je,
QamchoH maQ. jatlh, "torgh, po DuvemmoH tlhon." mej. raSDaq mob bIp torgh
je. 'orwI' 'IH neHqu' torgh 'ach wej ghomvam tlham yaj. quvHa''eghvIpmoHmo',
be' tlhob 'e' ngIlbe'.  nIteb QongDaq letDaq QotchoH torgh. Qu' pegh, ghom
le', 'orwI' 'IH je qeltaH. pa' HurghDaq QongchoHtaHvIS chemvaH rurlaw'
tengchaH QuQ wab. torgh najmoH 'ej najtaHvIS Qapla' chav.
'ey (verb) = be tasty
-Ha' (rover) = reverses the meaning of the verb
"The food is/was yucky."

ghungqu'mo' torgh, Sop, tIvbe'taHvIS.
"Because Torg was very hungry, he ate it, while he did not enjoy it." "As
Torg was very hungry he ate it, without enjoyment."

'utbe'bej bel 'ach DunlaH Soj.
'utbe' bel = Pleasure is not essential - a Klingon proverb.
'utbe'bej bel confirms the proverb, so I'm going to choose a translation
that doesn't break up the phrasing.
"Indeed pleasure is not essential, but food can be wonderful."  - a little
hint here too about Torg, the farmboy.

Sagh ghom.  bombe' 'ej Soppu'DI' ratlhbe'.
"The group is serious. They do not sing and one they have eaten they do not
The word "once" is not there of course, but it's sometimes an option for
translating -DI'. Another more stilted option is "when they have completed

tlheDpu'DI' 'eng, tlhon je, QamchoH maQ.
"When Cloud and Nostril have left, maQ gets up/stands up/gets to his feet."
He changes from being not standing to standing.

jatlh, "torgh, po DuvemmoH tlhon."
He says, "Torg, Nostril will wake you up in the morning."

Notice that po, morning is just dumped there at the beginning of the
sentence. It's one of the cases that a noun can just sit somewhere without
grammatical glue, because its role in the sentence is as a timestamp for the
action of the sentence.

mej. raSDaq mob bIp torgh je.

"He leaves. Bip and Torg are alone at the table." 

You could read "on the table" but with no mention of them getting on it
before, that would be weird.

'orwI' 'IH neHqu' torgh 'ach wej ghomvam tlham yaj.

'orwI' 'IH - adjectival verb

tlham = gravity, but also societal order

ghomvam tlham - noun-noun 

Torg greatly desires the beautiful pilot, but he does not yet understand the
hierarchy of this group."

quvHa''eghvIpmoHmo', be' tlhob 'e' ngIlbe'.  

quvHa''eghvIpmoHmo'  - build this one up slowly. quv = be honoured quvHa' =
be dishonoured quvHa'moH = cause to be dishonoured quvHa''eghmoH = cause
oneself to be dishonoured quvHa''eghvIpmoH = be afraid to cause oneself to
be dishonoured quvHa''eghvIpmoHmo' = because he is afraid to dishonour

-vIp could be a little strong here, but maybe not. maQ is a big guy and any
of the team could beat the life out of him without breaking a sweat if he
crosses some line he doesn't know about by coming onto bIp. And honour is
pretty important to a Klingon. He's got himself into an elite commando
squadron, he's got a lot of honour to lose now.

be' tlhob - he asks the woman

'e' ngIlbe' - he doesn't dare to do that (action of the previous sentence)

"For fear of dishonouring himself, he does not dare to ask the woman."

nIteb QongDaq letDaq QotchoH torgh.

nIteb = acting alone

"Torg lies down on the hard bed all by himself." 

Instead of nIteb, "mobtaHvIS = "while he is alone" would be more normal
here, because I'm really talking about him being alone in the bed, not him
achieving a horizontal position unaided by outside forces, but I kind of
like the image of him heroically going off to bed alone.

Qu' pegh, ghom le', 'orwI' 'IH je qeltaH.

And I'm back to the issue that there is no word for "think about". This
could be "boptaH qechmeyDaj" instead of qeltaH. But he is definitely
considering them.

pa' HurghDaq QongchoHtaHvIS chemvaH rurlaw' tengchaH QuQ wab.

"There in the pickle" is, by the way, a perfectly grammatical way to parse
the location stamp on this sentence. I would recommend taking it as a noun +
adjectival verb, though. 

-choH indicates a transition

A chemvaH is a Klingon animal, whose growl the Klingon mating call is said
to resemble.

"In the dark room, as he fell asleep, the engine sound of the space station
seemed to resemble a chemvaH."

torgh najmoH 'ej najtaHvIS Qapla' chav.

naj = dream (verb) - we don't have a noun

"It caused Torg to dream and as he dreamed he achieved success." It would be
fair to translate this as "in his dream he was successful."

Successful at the mission, of course. :-)
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