[Tlhingan-hol] "Let’s Translate Walter White, Taylor Swift, and More into"... Klingon

nIqolay q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Thu May 30 16:14:19 PDT 2013

> Marc Okrand has mentioned {poH tuj}; it'd probably be safe to call winter {poH bIr}.
> ...although I believe in GoT, winter is really more of a {bov bIr}.

Would "chol" work in this sentence? I'm always uncertain of which
English idiomatic uses are okay in Klingon; can "chol" have a temporal
meaning? chol poH bIr is certainly pithy, though.
And the mottos (tuq mu'mey) from other major houses in the series,
because mottos are fun to do:
House Arryn: "As High As Honor." jen; batlh rur
House Baratheon: "Ours is the Fury." QeH wIghaj maH'e'
House Greyjoy: "We Do Not Sow." mapochbe'
House Lannister: "Hear Me Roar!" jIjachqu' 'e' HIQoy
House Martell: "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" DItormoHbe'lu',
DISIHbe'lu', DIghorbe'lu'
House Tully: "Family, Duty, Honor." qorDu', Qu', batlh
House Tyrell: "Growing Strong." maHoSchoHtaH
House Targaryen: "Fire and Blood." qul 'Iw je

>> *Since we know "Live long and prosper" was translated as {yIn nI' yISIQ 'ej
>> yIchep} by MO (for Radio Times), maybe we should substitute a suitable
>> catchphrase from Game of Thrones for this one. I'm not familiar enough with
>> that show to know what that would be, but surely one of you is.
> {qoDwIjDaq lIghtaH joH!} = "A Lord rides inside me!"

"A dragon is not a slave." toy'wI''a' 'oHbe'qu' lung
"A Lannister always pays his debts." welDI' lannISter, reH DIl
"Valar morghulis (All men must die)" HeghnIS Hoch loDmey
"Valar dohaeris (All men must serve)" toy'nIS Hoch loDmey

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