[Tlhingan-hol] Use of -'e'

nIqolay q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Thu May 2 19:45:02 PDT 2013

The canon phrase "qIbDaq SuvwI''e' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS" suggests
that a noun phrase with -'e' can be used to specify a group or set to
which the rest of the sentence applies, and I was wondering if this
interpretation is well-accepted, and if so, if it could be easily
generalized. I'm not sure of all the linguistic terms for this, but
few sentences might help explain what I'm trying to get at:

1) nuHmeywIj'e' betleHvetlh ngo' law' Hoch ngo' puS ("That bat'leth is
the oldest weapon I have.") is probably okay, it's just the same
format as the canon sentence.
2) tera'nganpu''e' bIyoHqu' ("You're pretty brave for a Terran.")
3) juppu'lI''e' muqaDqang 'Iv ("Who among your friends is willing to
face me?") seems the least likely to be acceptable, it's similar in
format to a "which" question ("Which of your friends...") and those
are typically phrased as imperatives with ngu'.

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