[Tlhingan-hol] tlhIngan Hol DajatlhtaHvIS nItlhejpu' 'Iv? / Counting conversant speakers

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 03:13:45 PST 2013

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Robyn Stewart <robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
> * Whom did I Skype with while they were shut in a closet in Switzerland?

jIH'e'.  (Or should that be: jIH 'ghaH'e'? ghaH jIH'e'? ghaH jIH
jIH'e'? jIH jIH jIH'e'? :-) )

> * Marc doesn't respond in Klingon, because he doesn't want to crate canon,

woQvam ghaj'a'?! We all know he can make mistakes, and isn't nearly as
familiar with his own creation as some others.

> but I've been in conversations with him where I speak Klingon and he speaks
> English. Does that count?

Let's leave him out, unless someone's had a two-way Klingon
conversation with him.

> There are others who can speak on a limited range of topics, or with
> repetition and prompting, but you want more fluency than that for your
> definition, right? I have conversations with EVERYONE at qep'a' even when
> I'm not speaking English, but I find out what words people know and work
> outwards in very small circles.

Yes, I am interested in the count of people who can carry on a
conversation. Limited range of topics is okay (it's not as if I've had
wide-ranging philosophical discourses with the people I've spoken to),
but repetition and prompting I would consider not to be
conversational. (Unless the repetition and prompting was due to
technological issues, and not linguistic ones.)


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