[Tlhingan-hol] tlhIngan Hol DajatlhtaHvIS nItlhejpu' 'Iv? / Counting conversant speakers

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sat Feb 9 00:13:47 PST 2013

>I'll start. The people I've carried out a conversation in Klingon with are:

I'll put your list in alphabetical order and add in others, including 
those whom I haven't seen in a while but I'm sure are still alive and 
whose ability in the language was enough I can't believe it could 
have degraded to the point they can no longer converse.  I have to 
leave out those I've only conversed with by chat text, because I 
guess I can't verify that they weren't using a dictionary or pojwI'. 
Although we used to lose those people on the MUSH by switching to Pig Latin.

- Alex Greene
>- Holtej
>- 'ISqu'
>- Philip Newton
>- Qanqor
>- Qov
trIQal (she used a dictionary a lot, but FAST)

Plus people whose names I haven't remembered
* Whom did I Skype with while they were shut in a closet in Switzerland?
* The really smart, really young guy, really shy guy who was at qep'a' wejDIch.
* Marc doesn't respond in Klingon, because he doesn't want to crate 
canon, but I've been in conversations with him where I speak Klingon 
and he speaks English. Does that count?

There are others who can speak on a limited range of topics, or with 
repetition and prompting, but you want more fluency than that for 
your definition, right? I have conversations with EVERYONE at qep'a' 
even when I'm not speaking English, but I find out what words people 
know and work outwards in very small circles.

>- maybes: Lieven, Felix, Zrajm

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