[Tlhingan-hol] Soul Sister

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 01:12:04 PST 2013

> I think  chaj is a pretty good name, and better than qa' be'nI'.  A heads up
> that it's going to get misspelled Chaj, and mispronounced chai.

It wouldn't even have occurred to me to translate "soul" in this sense
as {qa'}. I really think that if a Klingon wanted to convey the idea
of someone "whose thoughts, feelings, and attitudes closely match
those another; a kindred spirit", the word to use is {tova'Daq}. It's
also one of those words we don't get an opportunity to use often
enough (even less than {chaj}!).


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