[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Christmas Carol - 15 December

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Thu Nov 15 11:52:49 PST 2012

2012/11/5 Robyn Stewart <robyn at flyingstart.ca>

> I've just bought tickets to the play "A Klingon Christmas Carol" for
> Saturday the 15th of December...

jISaH 'e' vI'ol. qaStaHvIS jajvetlh neH jIratlh DaH net nab, 'ach
choHlaH ghu'. much lubejtaHvIS latlh chaq jIDum. ghaytanHa' Friday
<qurgh> wanI' vIjaH.

I'll definitely be there for whatever is happening that day. I
probably won't actually be watching the play (I have tickets to see it
with family the following week), though I'm likely to hang out near
the theatre. I almost certainly won't be able to join the prior
night's festivities at Cloudgate.


-- ghunchu'wI'

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