[Tlhingan-hol] Borg naming convention, assimulation

David Trimboli david at trimboli.name
Fri May 25 10:51:15 PDT 2012

On 5/25/2012 1:36 PM, lojmIt tI'wI'nuv wrote:
> Seven of Nine is a proper name. Do you translate the meaning of YOUR
> name into their native tongue when you introduce yourself to foreigners?

No, Seven of Nine started out as a description: she was unit number 
seven out of nine units. When she called herself that for the first 
time, she wasn't giving her name; she was giving her ordinal.

I never saw much sense in the Borg designation anyway. "Seven of Nine, 
Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One." It's really just technobabble.

In general, one might identify oneself as the seventh out of nine with 
something like {Hut ghaj ghom; Soch jIH} "the group has nine; I am 
number seven."

> As for "You will be assimilated," this is quite alien to the Klingon
> psyche. Klingons conquer, they do not assimilate. These two actions
> could only be confused by someone not familiar enough with either of them.

Are you saying this phrase can't be translated? That Klingons never 
assimilate anything?

Assimilation means more than just joining; it includes becoming a 
functional part of something else.

The Cybermen in Doctor Who, who are much like the Borg but were invented 
long before, sometimes tell their victims, "You will be like us," 
{chorur}. They mean it in exactly the same was as the Borg.


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