[Tlhingan-hol] Fans

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Fri May 18 08:30:21 PDT 2012

The word you're thinking of is «vIlle'» - "minion".

Apart from that, I think «Ho'wI'» ("admirer") works well. I've also sern «nongwI'» ("passionate one"), which I think makes sense for the most hard-core fans.

From: Fiat Knox [fiat_knox at yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 17:16
To: Klingon Mailing List; Klingon List; Lucifuge Rofocale
Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] Fans

What term would you use for a "fan," as in a groupie, cheerer, camp follower type of person?

Specifically, what would you use if you only had access to TKD and did not know of the canon noun that I can't remember - was it something like {vIl} - for a kind of person who is just there, like a walking traffic bollard or something?

I've made good use of the verb Ho' *admire* (v);

{Ho'wI'} *fan* (literally, "admirer")
{Ho'wI'pu'} *fans* ("admirers")
{Ho'wI'ghom} *fan club* ("gathering of admirers")

Any good? Because I can see the terms getting mileage from sentences such as

{DaH Ho'wI'pu' vIghaj'a'} *I have fans, now?*
{Ho'wI'ghom Doj Daghajbej} *You certainly have an impressive fan club.*
{chay' Ho'wI'ghom Suqpu' ghaH'e'} *How did /she/ acquire a fan club?*

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