[Tlhingan-hol] scope of {-be'} and {-Qo'}

De'vID jonpIn de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Tue May 8 01:36:29 PDT 2012

What is the scope of {-be'}?  The sentence {Hoch DaSopbe'chugh batlh
bIHeghbe'} always sounded just a little strange to me.  It sounds like "you
will not die, with honour" (i.e., you will not die, and your refraining
from dying is done with honour).

I recently wrote to someone who believes that he had committed a faux pas,
{batlhHa' bIvangbe'; bIQagh neH}.  Now that I look at it though, it looks
like I wrote "you did not act, with dishonour" (i.e., you did nothing, and
it was dishonourable to have done nothing).  My meaning was understood, but
I wonder if I could have phrased it in a better way?

I also wanted to say to someone, "Don't argue about X" (as general advice,
i.e., stay away from topic X in a particular venue, e.g., X = politics,
religion, OSes, programming languages, text editing software, etc.).

First, what is the object of {ghoH}?

I went with {Xmo' yIghoHQo'}.  But on reading what I wrote, my instinct
wants to interpret this as "because of X, don't argue", i.e., X is a reason
not to argue in general.  Again, what is the scope of {-Qo'} here?  How
would you express the idea I wanted to convey?

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