[Tlhingan-hol] HeghvIpbe'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon May 7 07:22:55 PDT 2012

De'vID jonpIn:
> nIponDaq qaStaHvIS veS poH, nom veng weH yotbogh mangghom 'ej DanchoH.
> During the civil wars in feudal Japan, an invading army would quickly
> sweep into a town and take control.
> Notes: I didn't bother trying to translate "civil war" (feel free to
> offer your suggestions), 

Understandable, however {nIponDaq qaStaHvIS veS poH} could also refer to WWII Japan in the 1940's.  As civil wars are endemic to Klingon society, SuStel (IIRC) came up with *{tlhach veS/noH} - from {tlhach} sect, faction" - to describe them, which I think is perfect given the Klingon context.  So making one minor change:

  nIponDaq qaStaHvIS tlhach veS poH/bov
  during the period/era of factional warfare in Japan

"Feudal" is another problem however.  {nIpon tIQ} "ancient Japan" doesn't work since Japan's feudal period wasn't all that long ago at least from our 2012 perspective.  But perhaps viewed from 24th century Kronos... <g>  OTOH it seems that since The Klingon Empire is itself a feudal society of sorts, this would be unremarkable from their point of view.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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