[Tlhingan-hol] jupna'

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Fri May 4 11:09:10 PDT 2012

At 08:33 '?????' 5/4/2012, you wrote:
>Another story!  Please read it, it's really not that difficult.  It's
>only 4 paragraphs, each of which is at most 4 sentences.
>ben law' jungwoqDaq yIn cha' juppu'.

jungwoqDaq qaS'a' Hoch lutmeylIj?

>HurDagh chu'taHvIS wa' po'qu'.
>'IjtaHvIS latlh po'qu'.

po' 'IjmeH laHDaj. Daj.

>HuD bopbogh bom'e' muchtaHvIS wa' qoj bomtaHvIS, jatlh latlh: <maH
>tlhopDaq HuD vIleghlaH.>

DaH Ha'DIbaH qu' chu' wa'DIch 'ej jup HoH 'e' vIpIH ...

>bIQ bop bom'e' much wa', maq 'IjwI', jatlh: <naDev vIHtaHbogh 
>bIQtIqHom tu'lu'!>
>'ach ropchoH 'IjwI' ghIq Hegh.

Do'Ha'. HoHchugh QoQ batlh Hegh.

>  HurDagh SIrgh pe'chu'ta' jup 'ej not

jup'a' ghaH.

>bovvam tagh lurDech[1]: jupna' Degh 'oH HurDagh SIrgh

yapbe' 'Iw 'ach Daj lut.

>[1] - what's the difference between {tIgh} and {lurDech}?
>But the listener fell sick and died. The first friend cut the strings
>of his harp and never played again. Since that time the cutting of
>harp strings has always been a sign of intimate friendship.

Your Klingon says: {jupna' Degh 'oH HurDagh SIrgh 
lupe'lu'chu'bogh'e'} but the English is closer to {HurDagh SIrgh 
pe'lI'ghach}. Which is the Chinese?

- Qov 

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