[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh vaghmaH wej: <maghwI' QIn>

ghunchu'wI' 'utlh qunchuy at alcaco.net
Wed Mar 14 13:42:11 PDT 2012

DaHjaj loQ lut vIbuSlaH.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Qov <robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
> jatlh Qugh. "maghwI' ghaH net Sovpa', tlhIngan yejquv DevwI'vaD[136] QIn
> pegh vIngeH 'e' qoy'. HevnIS Qa'bar DevwI'.[140]"

"Councillor Crowbar"?

> QumwI' beq voqlaHbe' 'e'
> qap. pagh voq. QIjQo'."

peghchugh QIn, De' Sovlu'DI' chaq Do'Ha'.

> "jatlh <SIbI' DangeHlaHchugh negh DatoD 'ach
> bIloSnISchugh yIngeHbej. wo' DatoD>.

HoSghaj mo'vetlh.

> reH Dughlaw' loDvetlh. qar. 'urmangDaj
> vIpIHbe'chu'mo' vIvoq.

'urwI'na' ghaHbej, DaH net lajba'.

> QIn vIlaj. De' 'aplo' machqu' 'oH. 'aplo' mach law'
> qanwI'lIj nItlhpach mach rap.

MicroSD qawHaq 'oHlaw'.

> mep 'oH. ngugh SID De' qonmeH Hoqra'Daq De'
> 'aplo' Seghvetlh lo'lu'."[237]


> qanwI'Daj nuDchoH 'eSSIm. De' 'aplo' Seghvetlh qaw. puq ghaHtaHvIS QIn
> labDI' vavoy rurbogh De' 'aplo'Daq pol SoSoy. maghwI' ghaH 'e' luSovchoHDI'
> Hoch Qaw'ta' 'eSSIm SoS.

qulDaq bang QIn navmey woDlu' 'e' rur.

> jatlh Qel, "De' vISo'meH 'aplo'Daq SID per vIlan 'ej Qel Hoqra'wIjDaq vIjom.
> ngugh cha'Hu' cha' 'avwI'pu'vetlh chotta'mo' qama', maw'choHlaw'pu' Hung."

I didn't stumble at {ngugh cha'Hu'}, and only noticed that it might be
controversial when I translated it. I think the usage is fine.

> "SIDwI' veb vIghoStaHvIS muyu' 'ej luchwIj lunuD. tarven De' vIpoltaHmo'
> jIbItchoH. De' 'aplo' luleghDI'--"
> chegh Mahoun,

-- Qu'vatlh!

> chegh Mahoun, bIQ ngaSbogh HIvje' tIn qengtaHvIS. SaQbe'law'pu'.

vIt Mahoun. mumerbe'. I didn't recognize the idiom in the previous
installment anyway.

> bejqu' 'eSSIm 'e' tu'DI' jatlh, "Dumaw'a' bIQwIj?"
> jatlh 'eSSIm, "maja'chuqnIS Qugh jIH je. yImej."[138]

pIQmo' 'eSSIm QaQ ghu'.

> jatlh Qugh, "Qo'. yIratlh, Mahoun. Dubop."


> morghbe'DI' 'eSSIm ba'choH
> Mahoun. jatlhtaH Qugh, "vaj may'DujDaq jIHtaH, Hoqra'wIj vIqengtaHvIS, 'ej
> SID vIghoSlI' ..."

"...'ej 'uS Hom neH vIyan!"

jItlhIj. It just reminded me of a glorious tale of battle.

> qagh 'eSSIm. jatlh "'ach Hoqra'Daq De' 'aplo' luleghDI' 'avwI'pu' ..."
> jatlh Qel, "Hoqra' luleghpu'. lut yIqaghQo'. 'avwI'pa'Daq SIDwI' vISuchlI'.
> mInDaj rIQbogh wanI''e' Delqangbe'chu'. mIn moQ tapta' vay'.[139]"


The use of {-ta'} instead of {-pu'} is striking. It leads me to
translate {vay'} as "someone" rather than "something".

> "'oy'qu'ba'
> 'ej bong qaSbe'"

maj, chIch {-ta'} Dalo'ta'.

> "'ach wanI' peghchu'. mIn vItoDlaHbe'. mIn vIHotlhDI' bong
> De' 'aplo' mujDaq vIqon. De' 'aplo' vItam ghIq qarwI' vIlo'.

vaj De' potlh Qaw'pu''a' jay'?

> "ghIq murI'ta' meH. ngaq DujDaq roplaw' qama'. *naQjej yoH*Daq qama'pu'
> lutu'lu'be' 'e' vIHar. qama' ta vInejDI' vISam. DujvetlhDaq wa' qama'
> weghlu'. nonchoH qama' DeSDu' jatlhpu' 'avwI'."

tugh ghom muv'a' 'avwI'vetlh?

> "jIHlaw'," jatlh Mahoun.

I'm not sure I can describe my reaction adequately. A pronoun-as-verb
without a stated object...tastes sour.

> "SoHbej," jatlh Qugh.

Perhaps {jIHHey} and {SoHna'}?

> "Hoch qama' De' Hutlh ta. mut, mI' qoj qonbe'lu'.
> Qo'noSDaq yejquv DevwI' Qa'barvaD qama' ngeHlu'lI'."

nubchoH wanI'mey quq.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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