[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wa'maH cha': DaH puch luSay'moHbe'

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Fri Jun 15 17:56:12 PDT 2012

tagh nuq bop bom 'ay''a' wa'maH wa'

nuq bop bom is a story that I started writing on the airplane home 
from qep'a' wa'maH chorghDIch in Reno. Previous chapters and some 
further explanatory material can be found at 
http://nuqbopbom.blogspot.com. It is, I have come to realize, the 
first original Klingon language novel. It's being written as an 
exercise in vocabulary, grammar and expression for me, an exercise 
I'd like to share with readers, whether you're translating a few 
sentences syllable by syllable, or reading along without a 
dictionary. It deals with mature subject matter, including sex, 
violence, agribusiness and bad physics, so please don't be shocked.

Recap: We last left vajar and crew shortly after they beamed up from 
visiting 'eSSIm, where vajar met Mahoun. The others didn't meet him, 
because 'eSSIm thought that would too many Klingons at once for him. 
They did a bit of hunting, talked about what to do about the qImyal 
situation, came home with a pelt, and promptly witnessed a dual 
between be'tlhar and another senior security officer, a dual that 
concluded with the death of both combatants. And that's exactly where 
this scene picks up, which means we're backtracking somewhat in time 
from where we just left Mahoun and 'eSSIm, but we'll catch up and 
pass them again before the end of the chapter. I think it will all 
make sense as you read.

Oh and this is a brutal 'ay''a'. People die horribly/gloriously in 
battle and it's all a little twisted as I try to simultaneously be 
realistic and Klingon and Star Trek. Mostly I'm having a good time. I 
hope you will.

In this particular 'ay', there is still a great deal of blood on the 
floor from the battle, and a passing reference to previous brutality, 
but no new violence.

'ay''a' wa'maH wa'

DaH puch luSay'moHbe'

qamDu'Daj retlh SoDtaHvIS yaSpu' 'Iw, be'tlhar HeghvaD jach vajar, 
'ach moghchoHmo' je beymey vo'. Dujvam maw'Daq wa' yaS voqlaHlaw'bogh 
tu'DI', Heghpu'. DaH taghnISqa' vajar. pawpu'pa' Hung, Qelpu' joq, 
tachDaq ghutar Hota'ro' je Dev vajar. ba'choHDI' jatlh, "ghutar lagh, 
SoHvaD Qu' potlh vIghaj. qatlh Hay'ta' yaSpu'vam? 'Iv boqpu' 'Iv? 
tlhachmey tIngu' 'ej ramjep Sojpa'Daq HIghom. yaj'a'?"

"yaj, HoD," jatlh ghutar.

"maj yIjaH. yIruch. Hota'ro' Sogh SoHvaD Qu' ngeDbe' vInob. 
Dalajqang'a'?" jatlh vajar.

Hu'taHvIS ghutar jatlh Hota'ro', "vIlajqangbej, HoD. Qu' ngeDbe' 
lajHa'be' tlhIngan yaS." tlhoS morgh Hota'ro'. maj.

jatlh vajar, "gharon bop." pur Hota'ro' 'ach morghlaHbe'. jatlh 
vajar, "SoHDaq quvHa''eghpu' 'e' luSov nuv law', qar'a'?" 'ol 
Hota'ro'. jatlh vajar, "gharon yISam 'ej yIHoHQo'. yIjatlh. SoHvaD 
quv tob neHqu'law'. yIvummoH. Hegh qotlh 'e' Har. Qochbe' 'Iv? 
ghaHmo' qImyal qeHwI'pu' tIngu'. lotlhqangwI'pu' tIngu' 'ej tIvuv. 
vay' DaghelnIS'a'?"

jatlh Hota'ro', "Qu'wIj vIyaj, HoD. nuq Data' SoH?" qaDbe' 'ach 
Sovvetlh pIHchu'. DeghwI' gheSDI' chachmey DuHHa'vaD nItlhDu'Daj 
qeqta' Hota'ro'. yaS wa'DIch yaHvaD nuq qeqta'? DaH HoD wIvmey chovrupqu'.

jatlh vajar, "yaS wa'DIch, ngaH je vISuch. ghu' vIchovnISchu'."

jatlh Hota'ro', "chaHvaD nuq Dajatlh?"

jatlh vajar, "wej vISov. majaw 'e' vItul. chaq vIQummoHlaH." nuvpu' 
QummoHmeH laH le' ghajbe' vajar 'ach tlhInganpu' quv chaHchugh chaq qaS.

Qubqu'law'lI' Hota'ro'. tagha' jatlh, "HoD, ghorgh qaS qoSlIj?"

vajar mermo' Hota'ro', vIt chID. jatlh, "vISovbe'. qonlu'be'."

Hota'ro' merchugh Sov, nom So'. jatlh, "vaj wa'leS wIlop. wItoDlu'mo' 
malop. ghutar vISovchoH. yaS wa'DIchvaD DajatlhDI' yIjatlh, <yaSpu' 
quv tIqemneS>. Qugh Qel yISuch je. Duqawlaw'."

"cha'Hu'[340] DeSwIj tI'ta'mo' muqaw 'e' vIpIH," jatlh vajar.

jatlh Hota'ro', "SuQupDI' Duqawlaw'. chaq ben law' may'Daq bIrIQchoHDI'?"

jatlh vajar, "may' law' vISIQpu'mo' Qel law' vIlIjpu'. vIghel." Qel 
voq je 'eSSIm.

jatlh Hota'ro', "Qapla'." Hu' 'ej ghutar tlhejchoH. juStaHvIS vajar, 
chom lujatlhtaH.
SKI: vajar gives Hota'ro' and ghutar each a mission to complete.
[340] Yeah, I can't believe it either, but if you count their meals 
and sleeps, it was only two days ago.

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