[Tlhingan-hol] introduction

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Fri Jun 15 14:52:07 PDT 2012

At 15:42 '?????' 6/15/2012, Lieven Litaer wrote:

>I actually started this because I noticed that certainly during the 
>past months, we have had hundreds of messages either completely in 
>Klingon or about some topic which is too complicated for beginners.
>I remember ten years ago, or when I started (1997), more than 50% 
>was KLBC! Beginners didn't have to ask, because there were enough 
>questions around. I hope there are still beginners around here 
>lurking who will appreciate messags for Beginners. Just look at the 
>subject line starting with KLBC. I will just post something once in 
>a while with no regular rhythm, just for beginnners. The advanced 
>can just delete them, just like the beginners might delete 'ay'Hom 
>wa'SanID vaghDIch ;-)

choHaghqu'moHpu'!  DaH qaSovmoH: DaH 'ay' cha'vatlh vaghmaH vagh 
vIqonlI' 'ej tlhoS rIn lut. ratlh vagh 'ay'mey 'e' vInoH.

lutwIj veb qech vIghajbej.

- Qov

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