[Tlhingan-hol] KLBC: introduction

Lieven Litaer lieven.litaer at web.de
Fri Jun 15 14:42:14 PDT 2012

Am 15.06.2012 18:26, schrieb Robyn Stewart:
> Yours was the first that arrived in my mailbox, and you did the first
> correction I saw. Lievan, qanaD.

qay'be'. Some of my messages lately haven't come through, some even came 
back. It's abit weird, as I always send them from the same adress.

>> >ghaytan pIj naDev mulegh 'ach Dat ghojwI'pu'wI' nutu'laH
>> >Likely, you won't see me here often, but you can find my spies
>> everywhere.
>> This doesn't quite mean what you intended. [...]
>> I suspect you just forgot to use the suffix {-be'} to negate leghbe',

If the english was the intended phrase, I think it's just a prefix 
error, it should be:
{ghaytan pIj naDev CHO-legh-BE' 'ach Dat ghojwI'pu'wI' DA-tu'laH}
(when talking to one person only)

>> make it a monthly feature with a little theme for us all to write
>> SIMPLE sentences on and then to have them corrected in scrupulous KLBC
>> style.

I actually started this because I noticed that certainly during the past 
months, we have had hundreds of messages either completely in Klingon or 
about some topic which is too complicated for beginners.

I remember ten years ago, or when I started (1997), more than 50% was 
KLBC! Beginners didn't have to ask, because there were enough questions 
around. I hope there are still beginners around here lurking who will 
appreciate messags for Beginners. Just look at the subject line starting 
with KLBC. I will just post something once in a while with no regular 
rhythm, just for beginenrs. The advanced can just delete them, just like 
the beginners might delete 'ay'Hom wa'SanID vaghDIch ;-)


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