[Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

David Trimboli david at trimboli.name
Sat Jun 9 06:26:42 PDT 2012

On 6/8/2012 10:53 AM, ghunchu'wI' 'utlh wrote:

> I won't speak for others, but I make a distinction between what
> "perfective" means in grammar textbooks and what TKD says it means
> when describing Klingon grammar. I make a similar distinction
> between the TKD term "adverbial" which describes a category of
> individual words, and the textbook term which I think (after an
> admittedly brief study of things like Wikipedia) describes phrases,
> calling the individual words "adverbs".

A single word is also a phrase.

What TKD calls adverbials are, in fact, what linguists would call
adverbials. Okrand has used the term exactly correctly here.

> There are other words used in TKD that have meanings outside Klingon,
> but when those meanings are not what I'd consider common knowledge I
> don't rely on them to inform my use of Klingon.

Why? Why would you choose to intentionally ignore the meaning of a word 
when it was used to define the thing under discussion? Why would you 
assume that when Okrand says "perfective," he doesn't mean perfective? 
Is he redefining the word? Is he being sloppy? Is he just plain wrong?


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