[Tlhingan-hol] Der

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Thu Jun 7 13:28:12 PDT 2012

At 14:00 '?????' 6/7/2012, lojmIt tI'wI'nuv wrote:
>Perhaps others have already known this, but I 
>was just watching an old video on flying and 
>when discussing dirigibles, contrasting them to 
>balloons, the narrator pointed out that 
>"Dirigible means steerable." The only kind of 
>steering that a dirigible has is yaw. Though 
>it's spelled beginning with "dir", the English 
>pronunciation comes closer to the Klingon {Der}.

Neat. I think it's uncontested that our airship 
about an axis actions come from the [rud]Der, 
[eleva]tor and aile[ron]s of an airplane but you 
made me explore the English etymology.

Dirigible and direct both come from dis "apart" + 
regere "to guide" and go back to a postulated 
proto-Indo-European root *reg- "move in a 
straight line."  Rudder comes from adding a tool 
suffix -thra to a root ro- that means steer. 
Despite the similarity of meaning, the 
etymologies of ro and reg don't seem to intersect.

These are all from <http://www.etymonline.com/>http://www.etymonline.com.

"airship," 1885, from Fr. dirigeable, lit. 
"capable of being directed or guided," from L. 
dirigere (see 
(v.)). The word existed as an adjective in 
English from 1580s, with the literal sense.

late 14c., "to write (to someone), to address," 
from L. directus "straight," pp. of dirigere "set 
straight," from dis- "apart" (see 
+ regere "to guide" (see 
Meaning "to govern, regulate" is from c.1500; "to 
order, ordain" is from 1650s. Sense of "to write 
the destination on the outside of a letter" is 
from 16c. Of plays, films, etc., from 1913. Related: Directed; directing.


early 14c., from L. regalis "royal, kingly, 
belonging to a king," from rex (gen. regis) 
"king," from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight 
line," hence, "direct, rule, guide" (cf. Skt. 
raj- "a king, a leader;" Avestan razeyeiti 
"directs;" Pers. rahst "right, correct;" L. 
regere "to rule," rex "a king, a leader," 
rectus"right, correct;" O.Ir. ri, Gaelic righ "a 
king;" Gaul. -rix "a king," in personal names, 
e.g. Vircingetorix; Goth. reiks "a leader;" O.E. 
rice "kingdom," -ric"king," rice "rich, 
powerful," riht "correct;" Goth. raihts, O.H.G. 
recht, O.Swed. reht, O.N. rettr "correct").


O.E. roðor "paddle, oar," from P.Gmc. *rothru- 
(cf. O.Fris. roder, M.L.G. roder, M.Du. roeder, 
Du. roer, O.H.G. ruodar, Ger. Ruder "oar"), from 
*ro-"steer" (see 
(v.)) + suffix -þra, used to form neutral names 
of tools. Meaning "broad, flat piece of wood 
attached to the stern of a boat and used for 
steering" is from c.1300. Spelling with -d- for -th- first recorded mid-15c.

"propel with oars," O.E. rowan (class VII strong 
verb; past tense reow, pp. rowen), from P.Gmc. 
*ro- (cf. O.N. roa, Du. roeien, W.Fris. roeije, 
M.H.G.rüejen), from PIE root *ere- (1) "to row" 
(cf. Skt. aritrah "oar;" Gk. eressein "to row," 
eretmon "oar," trieres "trireme;" L. remus "oar;" 
Lith. iriu "to row," irklas "oar;" O.Ir. rome "oar," O.E. roðor "rudder").  

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