[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh HutmaH wej: Sor Hap boSmeH - READ ME FIRST

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Jun 6 13:27:52 PDT 2012

>> burghDajDaj QotchoH 'eSSIm 'ej

> <burghDajDaq>
> But I don't think "lie on her stomach" works that way in Klingon. This
> is describing orientation rather than location. We have the
> {QongDaqDaq Qotbe' tlhInganpu'} example to tell us one valid location
> of {Qot}, and it isn't a body part. More relevantly, the ST5 notes
> render "Romulan women belong on their backs" as {DungDaq legh 'ej
> QotnIStaH romuluSngan be'pu'}, instead of using a more straightforward
> but apparently incorrect {DubDaq Qot}.
> I might use a phrasing similar to the ST5 sentence, or I might try
> {QotchoH 'eSSIm. yav Hot burghDaj}, or {SaSchoH 'eSSIm...}.

{burgh} "stomach" - Klingons have two BTW - is the internal organ and a food item (KGT 88).

HQ 12.4:8:  When air (or gas) from the stomach works its way up and comes out of the mouth (often noisily), one is said to {ruq} "belch". ... When, rather than gas, undigested or partially digested food comes up, one is said to {'em}, "vomit"

KGT 92f.:  After just the right amount of time (a good cook knows from experience when this is), the animal is killed and its parts are used for various dishes, as would be expected. The stomach, however, still contains the now partially digested {Su'lop}, which is removed, used as a sauce (called {quD}), and served with great flourish. ... There is an alternate way of preparing quD that involves using chemicals to do the job of the animal's stomach enzymes. Klingon gourmets distinguish between the two by referring to quD made in the natural way as {burgh quD} (stomach {quD}), as opposed to the artificially produced {'un quD} (pot {quD}). Though nutritionally identical, {burgh quD}, when available, is always preferable to {'un quD}.

Try {chor} "belly, midsection" instead:

  chor jeq taj 
  a knife protrudes from a belly (st.k 6/97)

  tajwIj 'oHbe' chorlIj jeqbogh Dochvetlh'e' 
  That is not my dagger protruding from your midsection. FTG

This might be a good occasion to trot out {'eQway} "belly button" from the 2011 {qepHom'a'}!

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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