[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh vagh: De' ngo' lulaDlaw'lI'

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sat Jun 2 14:57:36 PDT 2012

Content alert: internal anatomy is discussed during minor surgery. I 
understand this is squicky for some people.
Mahoun had asked for more alcohol as he prepares to submit to having 
his arm opened by Essim.


De' ngo' lulaDlaw'lI'

"SoHvaD 'Iq," jatlh Qa'bar, 'ach qang.

tlhutlhchu' Mahoun ghIq qaStaHvIS tup puS QIt tlhuHtaH. jatlh, "DaH 
muleSmoHlaw'." ravDaq QotchoH Mahoun 'ej bIng bej. ghaHDaq ba'choH 
'eSSIm. DeS vIHlaHbe'moH 'uchqu' 'ej DeS ngaDmoH je Qa'bar. Mahoun 
jotmoHmeH, jIbDaj yach 'eSSIm. Daq qar nejtaHvIS DeS yach. 'eSSIm 
bIngDaq nom tlhuHqu' Mahoun. Daq wIvta' 'eSSIm. DeS 'uchqu' 'ej 
pe'choH. vIng Mahoun 'e' QoylaH 'ach Qu' buS. yIn QeD HaDtaHvIS 
'eSSIm, yoq lommey pe'ta'[288]. rurchuqqu' Qurmeychaj. DaH waQ 'Iw 
'ach DIr patlhmey, tlhagh, 'aDmey potlh, SomrawDu' ngu'laH.[306] 
Somraw vIHmoHmeH Sen 'eSSIm ghIq HomHey legh. SIq. Hom 'oHbe'. meyrI' 
mach 'oH. lel 'ej ravDaq lan.

"vIghaj," jatlh 'eSSIm, 'ach jangbe' Mahoun. tlhuHtaH neH. Mahoun 
Ha'DIbaH SoQmoHmeH qoSta' Hum lo' 'eSSIm ghIq Sev qat. vultaH Mahoun 'e' tlhoj.

Mahoun retlhDaq torchoH 'eSSIm. Hoqra' lIS 'ej Mahoun yInroH Hotlh. 
chechchu' 'ach pIvlaw'. tlhuHlaHqu'meH Mahoun porgh tlhe'. "maHun," 
jatlh ,'ach vultaH.

mep woH Qa'bar. Hom Hap vI'pu'[240] 'ach ta 'oHbej. jatlh Qa'bar, 
"wejmaH ben notlhchoHpu' De' 'aplo'vam. DujwIjDaj laDmeH luch 
vIghajbe'bej." mep Say'moHmeH Sev lo'lI'.

jatlh 'eSSIm, "laDlaHlaw' mughwI' janwIj."

jatlh Qa'bar, "qajol. yISuq." Mahoun porgh vul bej 'eSSIm. tIqDaj 
jIHmeH Hugh Dop Hot. Hoqra' qar law' ghop qar puS 'ach Mahoun Hot 'e' 
tIv 'eSSIm. jatlh Qa'bar, "bIDachtaHvIS vIQorgh." tlhuHchu'taH 
Mahoun. Qochbe' 'eSSIm 'ej jolpat rav gho'.

qachDajDaq mughwI', QumwI' ngo' je yIrDI' 'eSSIm, SIbI' jolqa' 
Qa'bar. choHbe'pu' Mahoun Dotlh. mughwI'Daq De' 'aplo' lulan 'ach Hol 
De' 'oHbe'mo' laDQo'[289]. 'ul luch QIHbe'meH Mahoun 'Iw, ghopDu'Daj 
Say'moH 'eSSIm 'ej mughwI' laghchoH. Qa'bar De'wI', mughwI' De' 
laDwI' je lurarchuqmoH. lujpu'DI' mIwmey law', pay' mIn moQ 
taplu'pu'bogh cha'choH HaSta. Qel De' 'oH! "Qapla'!" jatlh 'eSSIm.
SKI: Essim extracts the data container and then attempts to read it.
[240] Calcification of foreign bodies inside an organism. Very cool 
stuff. Can happen to a much greater extent than described here.
[288] Klingon university level biology classes. Can't you just see a 
class of young Klingon eagerly poised over their dissection trays?
[289] Seriously, inscribing things on rocks is the only reliable 
longterm cross-platform data transmission technology.
[306] It's the Star Trek universe. Everyone has the same basic 
joints, bones and muscles, unless they're a Horta or an energy being. 

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